Friday, November 04, 2005

How Fast The Weeks Go By!

This time last week I had just boarded the plane! I can't believe how quick the time has gone.

I'm still suffering with my sore mouth but was sort of joking when I said I might end up with pile cream. Having read the instructions, after taking two of the tablets, I discovered that the bad chemist had given me tablets for worms!!

How he could have misunderstood? I went from ulcers in the mouth to parasites in the passages. Flippin' heck! Bestest Spanish was used at all times!

Anyway, 'im indoors insisted that I gargled with salt and warm water this morning, which was really horrid. It does feel a little better but I'm not telling him!

We came to an agreement this morning. I had to clean the kitchen, bathroom and sort out the washing whilst he did the floors. I did my share, even after trying to pull a sickie, but, guess what? He spent most of the day on the PS2 and we still have muckie floors!

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