Monday, March 27, 2006

No Bowling

I had to pull a sickie today as I've had some awful ulcers in my mouth this week. They have been so painful that I didn't sleep much last night. The plan was that Julie, Doreen's daughter, would take her mum's place but I sort of blew that. Never mind I'm sure it will all come right in the end.

Brian went off around one o'clock, leaving me at home to sulk. He phoned me around five to tell me that our Melvyn had broken down on one of the TF1's sliproads. It was all quite comical really as Brian's phone battery died, he found the car charger but then ran out of credit! Forever calm in a crisis, I rang for the grua and got him sorted! It's law here to wear a yellow jacket and have triangles in front and behind the vehicle. (You also have to carry a first aid kit and a thingy to break the windows). I would have loved to have seen him standing there looking like a council worker!!

Anyway, Melvyn is home and, hopefully, his mending mate will be around tomorrow to sort out his problems. He is carting on a bit, bless him.

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