Friday, December 23, 2005

Scary Doings!

We had to go food shopping today which is something that I really hate. Normally, 'im indoors does it and only uses Spanish shops but the only way we could find a Christmas turkey was to travel half way around the island to...........ICELAND.

My stress level was well high. The main motorway, the TF1, is about as bad as the M8 in Glasgow and I try to keep as far away from it as I can!

Unfortunately, Brian seemed to think that it was a family thing and I had to go along. I only agreed when he promised me a beer at the end of it. Talking of which, we stopped off at this lovely restaurant on our way home. It had hessian sacks as a roof, spanish hats as lampshades and the food looked really brilliant.

We are now the proud owners of this huge turkey which will take us months to eat.........I'm thinking of putting him into the spare bed to defrost!! Poor Tommy, come Sunday he'll be well cooked!

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