Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Two Poorly Arms

My left arm has been poorly, sick and bad for a couple of months. A trapped nerve at shoulder level, I think, but as long as I don´t reach upwards or backwards, I can cope. Brave little soldier that I am!!

After a few weeks of no bowling, followed by playing two days together, my right arm is aching like fury tonight. I admit to having a bit of a problem today as my locker happens to be at the top and my ten pound ball was hard for me to reach one handed. Thankfully, Michael, lovely lad, was around to fetch it out for me and Kirk played the gentleman and replaced it. Yes, Kirk, wow!!!

None of us seem to have been able to get it together since the Xmas break. I´ve never seen Jeff play so badly. He had a score of 98 on the first game and things didn´t improve much. Ros and I did our best and as our opponents rang in with a sickie, we aren´t sure how we did. We shall see.

A lazy dressing gown day tomorrow. I have some transcribing to catch up with and a PS2 game to play. I´m looking forward to it.

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