Monday, August 21, 2006

One Day

I'm still trying to win the photo competition and this is my current entry. I quite like it so we'll see how it goes.

Having had a strong argument over last week's winner, I'm not sure how the land lies at the moment. I spent many years learning the art of photography and my tutor wouldn't have accepted anything that wasn't my own work. The first rule in this competition states the very same thing............but, the winner of the last one entered a photo of herself!

I don't mean to be bitchy and I wasn't alone offering my complaints but rules are rules. It was a good pic and deserved to win............if the photographer had entered it in her own name. Nepotism I expect!


Markie said...

Couldn't she just have put the camera on a tripod and used the timer function?

junetta said...

She could have problem with that but she stated that it was taken by her eighteen year old grandchild.

A few folk objected but the thread was deleted. Not to worry, it keeps me amused taking the pics xx
Mum x