Monday, January 30, 2006


There's lots of hanky panky going on in budgieworld tonight. Juanita has been rolling around the bottom of the cage with Jose! I've covered the cage to give them some privacy. Maybe we will have eggs for Easter!

I'm not sure if this UkNova is a good or a bad thing. It's great being able to watch so many English programmes but I do miss being able to use my computer. I was all settled to talk to my mate, John, the other night but Brian wanted to watch something which I'd downloaded earlier........grrrrr.

On the plus side, I have been able to see the 'Who Do You Think You Are?' series which I have really enjoyed. The one with Steven Fry was brilliant. I'm off now to take a look at the one with Sheila Hancock. Then there's Corrie!!!

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