Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Poor Neglected Blog!

I´ve been quite busy this past week which is such a novelty!

Thursday was ´Charlotte´s Day´ and we did the normal sort of things, swing park, ice cream, and computer. I did introduce her to Super Bustamove 2, one of my PS2 games and she wouldn´t rest until she´d cracked it! It was so funny watching her charge around cheering after she had completed a level. Guess what we will be doing this week.

Brian´s sister, Shona, and her partner, William came over to us on Friday. We had a few beers at five o´clock club before going off to eat at Antonio´s. I find that understanding Spanish is easier than William´s Scottish accent. I say pardon so much that I´m sure he thinks I´m deaf!

They came along with us to Sunday bowling. It was a pretty poor show from our teams though, more´s the pity. Doreen and I got thrashed and Jeff and Brian only managed two points. Their big lead at the top of the table is diminishing rapidly.

Monday league was a bit grim today. There has been so much unrest that we have had to start from scratch. Ros and I had to play Doreen and Barry again. We won 6 - 2 last time........we won 6 - 2 this time..........hurrah for us! More on that later.

Talking ´grim´, the weather is really awful. We´ve had ninety mile an hour winds which are really cold. It looks like the ´go to England´ clothes will be out tomorrow!

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