Wednesday, November 15, 2006

So Nice

It´s wonderful to have my computer back as the house seems so empty without it. I´m not too sure about the workings of them but it didn´t seem right that the hard drive had ´gone`. Everything worked apart from the internet connection. Very puzzling, especially when he reduced the bill from 250 Euros to 60 and that on a month´s trial!! Happen he thought we were old dodderers and easily taken in, but a mighty moan and sounding a little like we knew something seems to have helped.

I´m now in the process of finding all the things he appears to have lost. Thankfully, all my pics are still there but no trace of my Family History stuff. So annoying.

Our quest for PS2 games hasn´t been quite as rewarding though. We discovered the rental ´hole in the wall´the other day where you make your choice and pay with a special card purchased earlier. We´ve tried JakX, Harry Potter and a Ratchet game but none of them seemed to suit. Well, at least we could take them back and didn´t pay sixty odd Euros for them!

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