Sunday, July 09, 2006

A Quiet Week

I haven't had much to mention this week as all is quiet on the Western Front, as my Nana used to say!

Bowling was good though, with another win for Doreen and I. Doreen writes for the local English paper and has given me glowing reports lately:-

'I don't usually write about games played on an alternative day, but my partner, June (Rackettes) had a superb 188 and 176 and just missed her 200 shirt. Well played - a suprising victory for us - and I'm sure you'll get that yellow shirt someday.'


'A good series from June (The Rackettes) earned them the draw against Ron and Dave'.

Presentation night looms and, once again, I'm hoping for the most improved player award. I have done so well this last six months that even 'im indoors thinks that I deserve it. Fingers crossed!

Talking of 'im, he's down the bar watching the World Cup Final. I lost interest after the cheating in the last England game. It would be good if France won though as Barbara, Vic's wife, drew France in the sweep at Chrissy's Bar. She stands to win 160 Euros!

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