Saturday, June 10, 2006

It's Off And Running...........

I managed to catch the second half of the Germany v Costa Rica match tonight. Germany scored an absolutely perfect goal which we all appreciated. It's a shame Costa Rica didn't win though.

A real blonde moment, I've been trying to work out the time difference and sussed that the Tenerife papers gave the times here, making us an hour behind Europe. All well and good until I walked into the bar and saw the teams walking out. I thought it was the start of the match, not half time, and was stupid enough to mention it! Luckily, Sue came in, was equally blonde and took the heat off!!

Topsie had a surprise today as Auntie Shona turned up to see him. He really loves her. In fact, I've just spotted him sneaking into her room and I hope he doesn't wake her as she didn't sleep last night. She was so worried that she would miss her plane she couldn't settle. No, I'm not going to whinge about aircraft, I promise!!

Time for bed, I need to wake up match fit to watch my boy, Beckham, lead out his team.

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