Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Going Bananas

Tina gave me a bag of fruit the other day as there was far to much for her and Neil to get through. I made an apple pie and ate some of the pears and bananas but the rest was well by it's sell by date this morning. I'd just bagged it up ready for the bin when my door bell rang...........Alicia delivering a bag of BANANAS. I hate to refuse them as she's such a good neighbour. One in and one out and it didn't end there. Another two bags turned up during the course of the day and I now have enough to feed a hundred monkeys!!

I'm also going BANANAS with Brian this evening. I so hate fans as I reckon that they chuck out more hot air than cold. He has one going in the lounge and the ceiling fan spinning in the bedroom. I'm baking and can't wait until he goes to sleep.

Some good news as I had a letter from the hospital today to say that I have the all clear on my mammogram. I might have a brandy to celebrate.

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