Sunday, May 03, 2009

A Strange Birthday

I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do today so Brian suggested that I went for a peaceful beer at Rincon whilst he went to feed Sue's birds for me. Peace didn't last too long as Muriel and Bill turned up with Quality Street and I arranged to meet them later. The next to find me were Janie and Gary who stopped for a quick one and they were followed by Neil and Tina. We did have a really pleasant hour and Neil gave me a haggis. Don't ask!

I never did make a proper decision but after joining Muriel and Co at Bar San Juan for a while, we ended up going for a Chinese takeaway. Complete confusion as the staff couldn't speak any English but were fine with Spanish. We could order ours but as the phone orders came in from English folk they were baffled. Brian ended up translating. Well funny, and I hope they got what they wanted! Sorry, didn't mean that as he did really well.

After dinner and Britain's Got Talent, I went off to watch Slumdog on my little yellow telly. I'm not sure if was the illicit DVD or my player but it stopped just before the end!

Told you that it was a strange birthday!

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