Thursday, November 01, 2007


Charlotte wasn't too happy when her Mum said that 'trick or treat' was out this year. She is only six years old after all! Not too good when you think all your mates might be doing it though. Not that we saw any.

We decided to keep her happy by making a witch costume. As I seem to be regarded as an 'arty crafty' sort of person with time on her hands, I was in charge of decorating the 'black bag'. Lots of stars and a belt, provided by Mum, along with a witch's hat and the job was done.

It was really funny. As I'd misjudged her height, she ended up with a 'funky witch' costume. Well trendy and made even better when people stopped to take her photo.

A little imagination and loads of luck on my part, but we did manage to keep her near to us and she had lots of treats in her bag.

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