Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bits and Bats

It's really strange that weeks can go by and I've hardly anything to do and then I'm rushed off my feet. Well, to be really honest, my version of 'rushed off my feet' means that I have more than two things to do in a day!

Shona and William arrived on Friday and we met up with them on Sunday, after the bowling. I really like going to Playa Paraiso and it was a good evening. Bowling again on Monday and I met up with Shona today for lunch and her bi-annual visit to the perfume shop!

Clio needs a good walk every morning now that her legs are getting stronger. She's learning to walk at heel but it's a bit hit and miss so far. She is far more interested in sniffing than behaving at the moment but it's a learning curve. I expect she will tell you that she has eight out of ten on her blog but I'll give her five.

Brian has been working hard for two or three weeks renovating an apartment and he has earned himself a visit to England for a week. It's his first visit for over five years and he's well scared of the cold..........I'm not too sure that he is keen on the plane either. His son, Simon, and Karen are getting married on Saturday and he didn't want to miss that. I'm sad that I can't be there and wish them all the luck in the world xxxx

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