Monday, October 02, 2006


I really can't bear anyone that cheats. This new 'throw it down the gutter' mentality that is rife during this bowling season is doing my head in. How can a person score a series of strikes in the first game to follow it up by a score of 112 in the second? Because he wanted to keep a low handicap..............flippin' sandbagger!!

I lost interest, yet again, as I prefer to fight against someone, not watch them miss pins on purpose.

Brian and Jeff almost came to fisticuffs over their game too. One of their opponents threw his ball and Jeff pointed out that the head pin was missing. Matey declared a dead ball and asked for the pins to be reset. Jeff turned a strange shade of puce and argued the point. He looked even worse when the chap got a strike!! Having checked the rules this evening, matey was correct......hee, hee!

It will be fine tomorrow, no handicaps in Monday League!

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