Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Monday, Monday!

It's coming up to five years since I resigned from my job as Identification Officer for Plymouth Police but I still find that Monday morning is a little scary! Not that I've needed to get up early since then but it sort of lurks in the back of your mind. This morning I was really naughty and snuggled up under the duvet, along with Topsie, the mad Jack Russell, and read my book!!

I did spend a moment or two thinking back. Cold winter mornings, a twenty mile drive into the city, panic stations sorting out volunteers, inspectors, unwilling witnesses and then I thought of my bestest friend in all the world, our Hazel, and had a quiet chuckle or three!! I miss her to bits.

The rest of the day was normal, housework (well a little), five o'clock club and my daily dose of Corrie. I still can't believe how brilliant UkNova is! We also watched a really good documentary about volcanos. A little close to home really especially as Mr Doom and Gloom seems to think that our Mount Teide is due to blow any minute now!! He needs to get a life!

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