Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Weekend

It wasn't too bad even after my early start on Saturday! I managed to keep Charlotte amused for the morning and then all three of us, plus Clio, walked down to the local for the Manchester United match.

Just before we got there, a filofax flew past us. It had obviously been placed on the top of a white van which we had noticed going by. Now what? No contact details that we could see and I did feel a little awkward going through someone's stuff, but remembering when mine went missing during our burglary, I knew how important it could be. Thankfully, I spotted a mobile number tucked in the back and within the hour, the filofax and it's owner were reunited. He was very grateful............didn't buy me a beer though!!

Bowling this afternoon which is getting really boring and not worth commenting on.

We heard a story from Terry this afternoon. He got stopped by Traffico on Friday allegedly for speeding. As he was driving inbetween a Titsa bus and a coach it seems a little impossible but he was fined 70 euros, payable on the spot. Not having the cash on him, the police offered to drive him to the nearest cashpoint. He didn't have a card either and had to call a mate to bail him out. His car was returned to him and he watched the traffic officer throw his copy of the receipt away. We think English cops are bad!!

Oh, I did manage to save Pooky!

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