Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sunday Bowling League

It was so close!!!! I had 115 at the sixth end and knew I had a good chance of getting the coveted 200 shirt. I was well focussed and then some person who will remain nameless said................

'You best look out, you're in danger of getting a new shirt'.

I don't know what it is but something in your head goes haywire once the subject is mentioned. Everyone was silently egging me on but although I continued to pick up the spares I didn't get another strike until the tenth. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite enough and I finished on 176.

Our opponents were in England so we just bowled and put our score in so the result my have to wait for a week or two! Doreen bowled well on the first two games but went to rats a bit on the third. There's always next week..............

1 comment:

John Clarke said...

To quote the shy and retiring footballer Roy Keane; 'Open mouth, get it filled'.

Still good score though - well done.