Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Lovely Day!!

I met my friend, Anne, for coffee at around lunchtime, to catch up on stuff. We were joined, a little later, by Robin and Brian who seemed to feel that they were missing out!!

Later in the afternoon we took Top for a long walk down to the beach. He was so funny!! Every time he saw a bar he ran under a table for some shade and then developed a really bad limp! We stopped at Casa Chrissy for eats and some much needed water for Top! He was such a good boy, being a Jack Russell, he hates most folk, but he didn't bite anyone and managed to play with at least three dogs, quite a record for him!

This evening, we walked down to Juan's place for our usual couple of beers, normally called the five o'clock club. Young Charlotte was there, just four years old and such a livewire. She has so many aunties and uncles because we have all known her since she was just a baby.

Today, Daddy had bought her some plastacine. Uncle Brian, Auntie Maz and Auntie Sue spent more time playing with it than her! We had doggies, a strange sort of duck, lots of imprints from bottle tops and a sort of Morph person!! Meanwhile, Charlotte decided to 'do my hair'. It's a good job I'm not headsore! I ended up looking like Loobie Lou!

The lagerlouts, me, Brian, Maz and Bernard couldn't pass the last bar before home and sat outside Bar Rincon de Cristina for another hour or so, chatting to all and sundry, in English and Spanish before managing to get home around midnight.

Would you believe it's actually raining, pouring down! August in Tenerife, never been known!

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