Sunday, December 07, 2008

Boys and Toys

It's a Bank Holiday here in Tenerife and Brian was well impressed with a car rally held just a couple of streets away from us. He went out early with Clio just for a nose around but came back to ditch her and collect the camera. He did quite well with this pic!

Curiosity got the better of me and I went to find him later. It was pretty exciting watching the sports cars zooming past even though they were risking life and limb on a two lane road. Parked cars down each side too.

I managed to catch this chappy on his way mainly to capture the conditions but we really put our foot in it on the way home. Having decided to wander into the throng we blundered into a televised news report!

How the poor chap managed to keep on talking with these two dimwits hogging the limelight I know not. No Spanish TV for me for the next few days!

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