Monday, January 21, 2008

Spots, Doors and Bowling

My face and my back were itching like hell when I awoke this morning. It was awful and I looked like a boiled lobster. I did a health check on google and discovered that I could have all manner of things. It was quite amusing weepy your doctor........itchy your doctor!! I followed all the tracks and decided it was an allergy but to what I know not. Anyway, it seemed the best thing to do was to have a lukewarm bath without any bubbles. It's easier and we'll see how it goes.

I'm sorry to report that Don's Mum died on Friday and they are staying in England for a little longer.

We've had such dreadful winds this weekend and so I decided to check their house out before I went off to bowling. All was fine apart from their cushions and stuff on the balcony which I took indoors. Could I lock the doors afterwards? Too short for one and the other one wouldn't play ball..............I did it in the end but not before I'd uttered a few choice words!

Ros and I had another four all draw at bowling. Not bad!

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