Monday, August 04, 2008

Friends Reunited

I joined up with this years ago when it first came out and continued to pay my subscription for quite a while after. Nothing really came out of it and I eventually gave up.

Along with lots of other folk by the looks of it as it´s now free and is being advertised daily on ITV. I´ve had three or four ´buzzes´ this week from people I went to Junior school with all those years ago. I admit to answering one of them as he displayed a pic and I could remember him clear as day. Unfortunately, he hasn´t aged too well looking at his ´after´ pic!

Another couple of names that I don´t recollect but one girl´s name is so familiar but can I recall her? Happen I´ll sleep on it.

I wonder how many other people are wandering around memory lane thanks to this advertisement campaign.

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