Tuesday, May 30, 2006


We never thought we would do it but Martin and I pulled out all the stops today and managed to beat one of the top teams, Jacquie and Tracey. All three games were close and we went into the third with one game each under our belts. I had to go first on the tenth frame, leaving Martin crossing his fingers behind me as we really needed strikes. I managed two and then my partner did the same!! 6 - 2 for us!

Another cause for celebration is that I don't ever have to watch that Last Train again. I puzzled my way through the last two episodes this evening becoming more confused by the fact that the sleeping time changed from fifteen to fifty years. I won't go on, only to add that it appears to be a cult show. Whatever.

I thought I should mention that Dave didn't get chained to any palm trees and no-one disgraced themselves. I was looking forward to a good old gossip too!

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