Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Short Fuses, Kind Hearts

I think it might be the hot weather which is making us all a little irritable at the moment or it could be other folk winding us up!

Understandably, Caron, wasn't her normal happy self tonight, as her job has been mega stressful this past few weeks. Lets hope it sorts itself out soon.

Her husband, David, really got into a strop when he went off to the Vodafone shop to complain that his mobile was playing up. It behaved beautifully whilst the bloke was checking it out but as Dave said, he wouldn't have taken it back had it been perfect. Anyway, it's now gone off to the factory to be sorted, leaving Dave without a mobile for at least two weeks.

That's where the kind heart came in. Vic, our latest five o'clock club member, went off home and brought his spare phone for Dave to use and then went back to get the charger!

Then it was my turn!! I decided to choose the DVD to watch this evening and could see by 'im indoor's face that it wasn't what he wanted to watch. After listening to his moans for five minutes I lost it and gave him what for. I came over to the computer whilst he found a nice, cheerful war film to watch. Would you believe that within five minutes he was fast asleep in his chair? It's as well that I didn't have a cricket bat!

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