Watch out Kate Moss!!
It was quite a busy weekend as we had bowling followed by a couple of hours with Liz and Lyndsay. Melvyn had been poorly sick and bad and needed retrieving from the mending man. Nothing too serious thank goodness. Brian finished one job just to start another! I did end up rushing at one point.........I don't do rush!
I'm looking after Sue's canaries for a couple of weeks whilst they are in England caring for Don's mum. Not a problem as I pop into the apartment, every two days or so, to feed and water them. All well and good until today when I couldn't find the keys! Massive panic. I'm always so careful. The stress levels were rising and it wasn't helping that Brian was running around shouting 'they'll die'!! After ten minutes of chaos.........there they were in my other bag!! Sheesh!
Monday bowling was well good. Ros and I had another win. We were playing two blokes who are near to the top of the league. We lost the first and then I got my dander up and we slaughtered them on the last two games. Out of five matches, we've won three, lost one and the jury is still out on the other. Good for us!
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