Saturday, February 03, 2007

Christmas Came!

I had a pretty poor Xmas as far as post from England was concerned. I didn't get a single card, which upset me quite a bit. The worst thing was the letters that are normally included. It appears that the Post Office have included a magic number into my address........thanks for telling me!
Mark and Katie sent me a parcel via an express delivery service but, unfortunately, I was out and it ended up back in Manchester! Thankfully, Katie sent it back and it arrived on Thursday.
There I was slobbing on the sofa, still in my nightie and playing Playstation, when the intercom buzzed. The delivery man explained that he had a parcel for me and I had to go downstairs to receive it. I've never moved so quickly. I threw some clothes on and rushed out, still with my giant fluffy slippers and unbrushed scary hair.
Such a wonderful present. A Sony digital camera!! I can't thank them enough, especially as my ancient brick (as Mark calls it) gave up the ghost on New Year's Day.
This is the first photo I took after I'd patiently waited for the battery to charge. It's from my balcony but isn't too good as I was still shaking with excitement! Expect lots more!
Thanks again, Mark, Katie and Tully xxx

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