A couple of things have come to mind lately which I think are worth blogging and I set off to find the links and comment on them. However, I´ve searched the sites of the local newspapers to find the articles I was interested in, but not a mention. How annoying.
The first one, which appeared in the hard copy of ´Island Connections´ was of Barry and Val´s wedding. They are bowling mates of mine and Barry is kind enough to pick me up from my village every other Monday and take me to the Superbowl for Monday Bowling League.
Barry lost his wife, Chris, around four years ago and I remember trying to help him then, having some experience of losing a beloved partner. He was so lonely. A few months later a friend asked him to attend the funeral of the mother of a new resident to the island as she was without family and had few friends. Being the caring chap he is, he did so and that chance meeting ended up with romance. I recall him telling me that it was a little soon after losing his wife but I told him to go with the flow and have some fun!
Anyway, he´s now married to the ´new resident´ and as I often remark to Brian........I´ve never seen such a happy chappie!
My second search was to find an article written by Katy Kennedy (pictured) in another local English newspaper ´The Paper´ which seriously slags off Monday Bowling League. Again, it hasn´t been included in the online version. As I mentioned in a previous blog, we had to start again from day one. Katy and her partner Carol, couldn´t make the first three matches but did inform the bowling alley. Next thing was that they were ´blackballed´ and were replaced by another team. I agree with quite a bit of what Katy had to say but she was a little wrong in her facts and I feel an apology is in order. She blamed the wrong person and to put that in print was totally wrong.
Rant over.............time for bed xx
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