I did consider calling off our bowling game today, as I´m still on the sick list, but I didn´t want to let folk down. There I was on my way to have a shower when Doreen rang. Jeff has picked up a bug too!! Being male, no staying power! Never mind, it meant that I could go back under the covers with my book. I am feeling so much better tonight, thank goodness, and we can always play our game during the next couple of weeks.
Having ´acquired´ an illicit copy of ´Casino Royale´ from the ´lookie, lookie´ man, ´im indoors is engrossed in it at the moment. I´m not really a James Bond fan and have no intention of watching it, but this new chap doesn´t really look like the shaken not stirred type of bloke. Bring back Sean Connery!!
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