Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Photo Comp

I haven't entered for ages but felt inspired by the Christmas subject. Having nothing new I shoved in an old one thinking that it wouldn't rate anything. Fifth place! I'm really pleased and will gather some new material for the next one.
The subject is Light. I'll have a go.

How Awful

There has been a Woolies in my home town of Accrington for 83 years. My Nana used to tell me about spending sixpences in there when she was a youngster and I remember buying my make-up there when I was in my teens.

My son, Mark, managed to get himself 'lost' in there once when he was around two years old and was given ten pence by some nice lady who 'found' him. Little tinker managed to lose himself every time we went in from then on!

Alison and I went in last October to buy some hair thingies for me and I'm so glad we did. My last memories of an institution.

Poor Woolies...............RIP

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Have a Good One

It's just us this year as most of our mates are off doing other things. Maz and Bernard are staying in a hotel in Las Americas with Joan and Kevin whilst Pam and John have gone to England to stay with their daughter.

We have a plan though. Smoked salmon and poached eggs for breakfast and then a walk around the village. Roast duck with all the trimmings for dinner followed by hot mince pies with ice-cream for pudding. Lots of good telly for the evening including Corrie!


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Flippin' Freezing

I know that it isn't half as cold as England but it feels well chilly here at the moment. I even resorted to wearing my fleece this afternoon. It's lovely in the sun but turn a corner and the breeze gets you.

Having craved for a gas fire all evening it struck me to turn the oven on. Nice and snug now!

Friday, December 19, 2008


I haven't been receiving my Christmas cards for the last two or three years but they are flocking in at the moment. People have sworn blind that they have sent them but they never turned up.
Special thanks to Mark and Katie, Sam and Baz and Simon and Karen.
I know that it's a pain to write them out but it's so nice to know that you are thought about when you get them. I promise not to moan next year!
Thanks also to our Shona who was kind enough to post mine in Scotland xx

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What a Performance

We borrowed a Digibox from our mate Mick last summer and as it suited us and he didn't really need it we bought it from him about three months ago. We get BBC 1 and 2, ITV1, Channels 4 and 5 as well as a couple of Sports Channels. As long as I can watch Corrie, I'm happy.

Rumours were flying around at the end of last week that it had to be re-configured at some point. Not a problem or so we thought. I was sure that it would be after Christmas and a couple of folk said that it wouldn't be before February. As we don't normally watch television during the day, it was six o'clock when I turned on last night to catch up on Eggheads (I know I'm sad)........NO TV!

Off we set at lunchtime to sort it out and as we had to go by bus it was quite a mission. On arriving at Guaza we turned the corner to find a queue of around twenty people all clutching their boxes. It was really funny. It took us over an hour to sort ours out and by the time we left the shop the queue was well down the street.

A five-hour trip and a ninety Euro charge, what a day but at least I got my Corrie back!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Boys and Toys

It's a Bank Holiday here in Tenerife and Brian was well impressed with a car rally held just a couple of streets away from us. He went out early with Clio just for a nose around but came back to ditch her and collect the camera. He did quite well with this pic!

Curiosity got the better of me and I went to find him later. It was pretty exciting watching the sports cars zooming past even though they were risking life and limb on a two lane road. Parked cars down each side too.

I managed to catch this chappy on his way mainly to capture the conditions but we really put our foot in it on the way home. Having decided to wander into the throng we blundered into a televised news report!

How the poor chap managed to keep on talking with these two dimwits hogging the limelight I know not. No Spanish TV for me for the next few days!

Friday, December 05, 2008


I'm going through one of those phases when no matter how I try, I can't sleep. It's really awful and I feel well wrecked. I went off to bed at around midnight on Tuesday and tossed and turned for hours. I was still awake when the kiddies went off to school on Wednesday morning and ended up without sleep until two o'clock or so on Thursday morning.

I sort of put it down to my poor brain having nothing to think about. When I worked it was easy enough to lie and plan my schedule for the following day which soon sent me off. Now I tend to start worrying about the most stupid things. I won't go there as it really is ridiculous.

Almost half one on Friday morning and I've had around twenty hours sleep since Monday. I'm dreading going to bed but I'd best give it a go. Find a book and be positive. I WILL SLEEP!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Marley and Me

My sister-in-law, Alison saved loads of books for me to bring back home to Tenerife. They have all been really good but a couple have stuck in my mind.
The first one was 'My Sister's Keeper' which was really brilliant but I've fallen in love with Marley. One of my friends let slip that I will cry at the end. Bad move because I'm scared of finishing it!
He does remind me of our evil dog, Sable, who lived with us for ten years or so.
She was Mrs Wicked and chewed everything in sight. I could write some books about her!
For a Doberman she was a sweetheart and I can still feel her silky ears even now.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Snake's Wedding!

I've been in the middle of yet another wrangle between Direct Telecom and Telefonica and this one has gone on for around three weeks. One says that it is the line and the other the router. After having my biggest moan yet, Hagar the 'Orrible from Telecom devised this mess of wires just to prove that Telefonica was at fault. He was wrong!! I'm back online and Telefonica are in the clear.

My neighbour, Mimi, ran me up to Adeje this afternoon to collect Hagar's masterpiece and we had a late lunch whilst we waited. Most enjoyable.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

One Thing After Another

Both of my Grandsons have been in hospital during the last couple of weeks. Martin had his arm operation and Harry had suspected meningitis. Such a worry for their parents and I would have loved to have seen them both. I doubt that I'd have been allowed in with such a cold but it doesn't make it any easier. Thankfully, they are both home now.

My worries were increased last weekend by a confession from Brian. It seems that he's had a lump in his throat for the past three months and didn't know how to tell me. He hates to upset me and decided to keep it to himself. We've had such an awful week. Tears, rows and times that were so terrifying, I can't describe it. I've never seen him so frightened in all the years that we have been together.

I decided that enough was enough this morning and practically dragged him to the clinic. Two steps forward and one back which would have been well funny under different circumstances. He was shaking like a leaf when the doctor called him in and I went outside for some air and to say a few prayers. I fully expected a trip by ambulance to the hospital and was ready to phone Maz to ask her to collect Clio and keep her overnight.

Fifteen minutes later he was out. A severe throat infection and not the diagnosis he'd imagined. I didn't know whether to kill him on the spot or to hug him! He's well dosed up with the shed load of tablets he's had today and sound asleep.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

A Little Better

I've hardly done anything since I returned home in the early hours of Saturday morning as this flippin' cold has really knocked me for six. However, I've just had a lovely soak in a hot bath and I reckon that I'm on the road to recovery.

I didn't attend the bash at the local bar for Halloween as I was mid-air during the celebrations. Most folk thought that my broomstick would carry me home to save on air fare...........nasty shower!!

Seeing this photo of Vic, I'm glad that I was miles high. No wonder he scared the kiddies! Young Frankie will never be the same again!

Monday, November 03, 2008

So Cold

I didn't have a very good journey as the plane developed a problem before take off which resulted in a two hour wait on the runway at Tenerife Sur Airport. My brother and his family waited ages for me but the welcome was really great when I eventually got there. The big sign 'Auntie June' amused most of the folk in front of me!

We had a brilliant week. Skipton, Clitheroe, Accrington and Blackburn, and a wander around Blackpool to see the lights. Steak pudding all in, fish and chips and to top it all off, a KFC! My nephews had grown beyond recognition but we bonded and had a few laughs. Thanks to them all for looking after me, especially Alison xxx

The worst bit was the cold. I'm suffering at the moment and still can't get warm. Trust Tenerife to have a windy cold spell just as I got home!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

I'm Home

I have a really bad cold and haven't the patience to do a detailed blog just now. I'll catch up as soon as I stop sniffling!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Harry Andrew Evans

Harry turned up on Tuesday afternoon. A big welcome from Nana Top and see you next week. xxxxxx

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Poor Liam

I've watched every episode this week, sick sad puppy that I am, and must admit to having been well disappointed. All that scriking and meaningful looks didn't do it for me and I did feel relieved by the end of tonight's last episode. Not a tear was shed and as his slurry speech annoyed me I reckon that it's time he went.

I logged on to the ITV website earlier to see the alternative endings..........not available outside the UK! There was a pic of him being shoved off a balcony which could have been better than the poor plot we ended up with.

Now we have to put up with moaning Maria next week!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Newsletter

For the last couple of weeks I've been promoting this year's 'Walk for Life' in my newsletter and here are some of the volunteers just before they set off on Sunday morning. Thanks to Eve and her tireless campain for breast cancer awareness, they raised a thousand Euros which was a tenth of the the total amount from the whole island. Well done Eve and thanks for the photograph.
Kevin and Joan eventually came up with the correct answer to my conundrum......a key! This week's puzzle is:-
Who makes it, has no use for it,
Who buys it, has no use for it,
Who uses it, can neither see nor feel it.........What is it?
Something to ponder on!

Mended or Not?

I'm one of those people who hates to make a fuss and will put up with poor service to avoid any hassle. After more than two weeks and to be honest probably two years in total, I finally got angry enough to react. I find it easier to communicate in writing and sent a carefully worded email to Direct Telecom demanding an immediate solution to our problem. I also stated that I wasn't expecting to be billed this month but did expect a couple of 'freebies' to be thrown in for customer loyalty.

Well I never!! I received a reply earlier today regretting my lack of a connection but promising that my next monthly account will be paid by them, I get my speed increased and they will waive a forty euro fee for their latest offer.

That one is worth having because they give me a 0844 number and my family can ring me at any time without worrying about the cost. 300 minutes per month are completely free and anything above that will be around two cents per minute. Pretty cool!!

To top it all, I've been online for around eight hours now with only one minor blip. Not that I'm getting too complacent yet but happen it pays to complain!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bits and Bats

A little bit of a catch up tonight. Dave is still in hospital awaiting further tests on Monday morning. Caron tells us that he's cheerful enough but bored out of his brain. He's reading, eating and sleeping but really wants to go home. Happen it won't be too long now.

Still on a similar theme, I spent a couple of hours with Sue on Saturday afternoon. I was chief minder and went along to the supermarket with her to carry the bags. She's looking quite well but does tire easily. Hopefully, she'll be well enough to have a bit of a holiday in England before Christmas.

We had a walk to Bar Manu this afternoon for the Meat Raffle and Whiskey Raffle. Brian often jokes that if he had the only ticket he'd never win but we walked away with a huge bag of lamb chops and a bottle of Johnny Walker Red! I hate whiskey but it's lamb chops for tea tomorrow.

I'm still struggling with this on/off internet thing. We have been ringing Direct Telecom for two weeks now and I've never seen such a useless bunch of idiots in all my life. This Hager bloke promised to contact us on Friday............he did, via an email. By the time I managed to have a connection long enough to view it the office was closed. We are on the old exchange in the village and I've asked and asked them to do something about it but it appears they know best. Brian is off to collect a new router tomorrow so fingers crossed yet again.

Not long before my England trip. My twelve-year old Grandson will be in Sheffield that week for an operation on his arm. I haven't driven a car for years but I'd love to go and see him. Happen I'll give a hire car a go! I'm also willing Katie on to have her baby before I get there. I'm clinging on to my mobile at all times waiting for the call. They say castor oil helps!!!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Well Funny

I started adding a conundrum to my newsletter a couple of weeks ago. It's proving quite popular and folk are stopping me in the street begging for the answer.

They all have to wait until the next issue but I do give credit to the first person who answers it correctly.

This week's is 'I turn around once. What is out will not get in. I turn around again. What is in will not get out. What am I?'

Kevin is really making me chuckle as he's phoned a couple of times tonight with various guesses. He's threatening to phone me at five in the morning if I won't tell him!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Caron's Dave, Charlotte's Daddy has been in hospital for almost a week undergoing tests. Nothing has really shown up yet and Caron has been busy juggling work, hospital visits and Charlotte's child care.

Clio and I volunteered to collect Charlotte from nursery at five o'clock today and arranged to meet Mum at the local bar around an hour later. All was fine until this flippin' idiot, Ian, turned up.

He's one of those who has millions in the bank, has done everything, had every operation under the sun and, to be honest, has and knows nowt! He can wind me up at the best of times but after listening to him discussing medical treatments in front of Charlotte and watching him annoying my puppy, who was sitting quietly by my feet, I lost my rag!

He got it from both barrels but was thick skinned enough to hang around for another fifteen minutes whilst I tried to keep my cool.

Hopefully, Dave will be home again at the weekend depending on another set of tests due on Friday. Good luck, lad x

Sunday, October 05, 2008


I don't think I'm stupid but I can't seem to get to grips with this Exchange Rate. I even tried Googling it earlier but it's still a bit vague. If the value of the British Pound goes down does that mean the Euro goes up? Could it be the other way around? Do I have to take into account the value of the American Dollar or the German Euro?

I've been watching the BBC News over the past few weeks in the hope someone will explain it. Hopefully, all will become clear in the course of time!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Absolutely Brilliant

I enjoyed the last series but this year's has really hit the spot. I am always gutted when it finishes as I feel that it was only on for ten minutes! The acting is superb, especially from Ann Boleyn.

Oh well, they say that the new one will be out next year. Such a long time to wait for your favourite programme.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I knew that playing six games was going to prove painful but I expected to feel stiff and sore tomorrow morning, not tonight.

It was tiring and I noticed that my back was starting to hurt during the fourth game but carried on playing. Worse on the fifth and by the sixth I was struggling. How I managed a score of 151 I know not!

Well, I'm still suffering even after painkillers but with a little luck it might settle down before morning.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bits and Bats

Sue is now home from hospital and looked really well when I went to see her last Thursday. No running around for a while yet and she has a cartload of tablets to take every day but there's nothing better than your own bed. I'll be popping in again tomorrow to keep her up to date with the local gossip unless someone beats me to it!

I have new shiny taps in my bathroom. Brian ended up doing it and it was done and dusted within four days. Quite a record for him and NO swearing! The shower is brilliant. Shona will be impressed!

Thanks to Mark for his explanation of my funny MSN thing. I did a scan and changed my password and after changing my antivirus from Nod32 to AVG all seems to be well so far. What is the point of starting these virus things?

About a month ago I was asked to write a weekly newsletter for the new bar and it's becoming quite popular. It's just local news and a few adverts but I'm now finding that people are asking for items to be included. I'm enjoying doing it and it does give me a bit of a buzz when I see folk reading and discussing it.

Ros and I have two matches to play at the bowling on Monday. She went off to England a couple of weeks ago to see her daughter married which has left us behind. Playing six games after a four week break could hurt!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I was talking to a Thomson rep today who is currently working sixteen hour days at Tenerife Sur Airport. He reckons that it will take at least ten more days before all the stranded passengers are returned to the UK. It's costing more than 700 Euros for a single flight at the moment.

Around six years ago I booked return flights to Manchester through a travel agent and ended up on Loco Airways. The whole thing was abysmal. I seem to recall that the plane was a DC10 with over five hundred folk on board. Water was dripping from the ceiling and running down the walls. We were packed in so tightly that we couldn't even read a book. Loco means 'mad' in Spanish which explains a lot!

Since then I've only used reputable airlines, mainly First Choice. I'm such a scaredy cat but for some reason I feel safer with them. Thank goodness I didn't feel tempted to book elsewhere this time and lose out on my money and my holiday.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I was lounging on the sofa this morning playing an old PS2 game when Brian came out of the bathroom moaning that the top of the washbasin tap had snapped off. His cunning plan was to find a jug and fill it from the bath tap. Back to peace and the PS2.
Not for long though. Two minutes later and he was back clutching his empty jug. It seems that the bath tap came off in his hand too!!
As it incorporates the shower we are in a bit of a pickle until the mending man turns up. It is far too hot to become one of the great unwashed.
I'm still finding it really funny although the prospect of washing my hair in the bidet tomorrow could stop my giggles.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


We went to visit Sue this afternoon in the Green Clinic. I was half expecting to see her lying with tubes and stuff as she didn't leave Intensive Care until Thursday. I'm obviously watching too many hospital dramas!

She does have a couple of bleeping machines and a couple of drips but on the whole she looked really good in the circumstances. Part of her lung had to be removed because of an infection which interfered with her epiglottis so she's only allowed soup and yogurt until her stitches heal. A bit basic but I'm not up on all the technical terms. They brought her some camomile tea whilst we were there.............poor girl was dying for a decent brew!

Neither Brian, nor I are comfortable with hospitals but we enjoyed the natter until the nebuliser turned up. Exit stage left!

Friday, September 12, 2008

So Strange

A few of my Messenger contacts have asked me about messages which I'm supposed to have sent to them. One mate insisted that she'd had one from me whilst my computer was in the repair shop!

I also had an email from MSN yesterday saying that I'd requested a password change. I deleted it immediately but it's all really weird.

As soon as my recent virus struck I stopped opening emails and shut down Messenger so I'm sure it can't be that. Someone please enlighten me.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Bits and Bats

We have a new bar in the village...........just what we needed to join the other forty plus bars we already have!! To be honest, it's really nice. The blokes can sit downstairs and watch the footie whilst us women are able to natter all we want in the upstairs bar.

Ros and I are doing really well at the bowling this season. We've won the last three games and are near to the top of the league. It won't last when we start playing the big boys but we are enjoying it while we can.

My grandson, Martin and nephew Bradley both started at senior school this week. Bradley said it was fine and according to my daughter, Martin went off terrified and returned home with the biggest grin! Jamie has started her third year so it's serious stuff from now on.

Sue goes into hospital on Monday for her major operation. We'll all be thinking of her and I'll go to see her as soon as I'm allowed in.

Look out for a Clio blog as she has a big confession to make!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The End of Summer

In just short of a week the Canarian children will be going back to school after their three month break. The people who are lucky enough to own an apartment in the South and a home in the North are packing up and moving out. The onset of winter looms......such as it is!

We have also noticed that the 'Swallows' are returning. Those folk who live in England and Germany during the summer are coming back to their second homes in Tenerife. It's amazing how things can change so much in a small village.

Not that it bothers us and it's so interesting to watch!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Really Bad

I have no idea what I did but my computer was invaded by a really wicked virus recently. Having tried a system restore and also trying to start again in safe mode I realised that it was completely beyond me and off to the shop it went.

As usual we were on 'Tenerife Time' and I've been without it for around ten days. I think that matey felt a little sorry for me as he's installed a couple of goodies. Microsoft Word 2007 and I now have Messenger in English. He's also set up my system for an English keyboard which would have been great should I have one!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Money Factory

Brian has a dish in the kitchen where he shoves his loose change into along with his house keys and other sundry items. You wouldn´t believe how much I can collect over a couple of months for my money factory.

The bronze stuff is shared between Charlotte´s money box and Doreen´s charity, the Music and the Deaf, but I take the gold for whatever I´m saving for at the time.

I´m hankering after one of those mini laptops at the moment as I´m dreading being without internet access whilst I´m in England in October. Seventy Euros so far and counting!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lucky Me!

I´ve just booked a flight to Manchester in October and I really can´t wait to get off this island for a week. It´s a good place to be but after eight months or so without a break from the sun, I fancy a good downpour!

Not just that. I miss my family so much. I´m staying with my brother and his wife, Alison, and their two boys, Dean and Bradley. I´ll also be able to meet up with my son and his family. Katie is due to give birth to my new grandson just before I arrive. Let´s hope that he turns up on time so I can give him a big cuddle. I haven´t seen Tully for so long and want to give her a big hug too!

When I first came here, seven years ago, I hoped that we would all visit each other but the price of flights put paid to that and I rarely see them.

Not to worry, I got a really good deal............212 Euros return with First Choice. Roll on October!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Bless Her

I haven´t a photo of her but my friend June died in England on Saturday night.

She was such a happy, funny woman and I´m sure that the world will miss her. To her partner and her family, we send our best wishes.

Bless you, June xx

Well Funny

The owner of our apartment turned up today. We haven´t seen him for four or five years but invited him in and offered him a drink. He doesn´t speak a word of English but we understood that he was interested to see if we were happy enough and he stressed that he was happy with us.

Brian asked him if he had a spare key for our lock-up and to be well honest we didn´t really understand his reply and saw him off with lots of ´buenos tardes´. Five minutes later and he was back with the biggest bagful of keys I´ve ever seen. Off they went down to the garage followed by Clio and all was sorted. He managed to find two keys that fit and we gave him a new key for the main door.

Spanish/English relations can be really cool and he is such a lovely bloke. He makes me chuckle.

Mentioning Clio...............she went off for her shampoo and set today. Four hours without her was a little like watching your child go for it´s first day at school. I won´t steal her thunder as she wants to do her own blog tomorrow.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Friends Reunited

I joined up with this years ago when it first came out and continued to pay my subscription for quite a while after. Nothing really came out of it and I eventually gave up.

Along with lots of other folk by the looks of it as it´s now free and is being advertised daily on ITV. I´ve had three or four ´buzzes´ this week from people I went to Junior school with all those years ago. I admit to answering one of them as he displayed a pic and I could remember him clear as day. Unfortunately, he hasn´t aged too well looking at his ´after´ pic!

Another couple of names that I don´t recollect but one girl´s name is so familiar but can I recall her? Happen I´ll sleep on it.

I wonder how many other people are wandering around memory lane thanks to this advertisement campaign.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fiesta Time Again!

Another year has passed by and the Fiesta started at half six on Tuesday morning. I awoke to the sound of fireworks but managed to dose off again for a few minutes until a brass band started up outside my bedroom window!

I don´t have a problem with most of it but I´m a little bit aggrieved with one of my neighbours this evening. She seems to have started a dog nursery whilst her and her family go out to celebrate. Non-stop barking for the last three hours and another six to go before they all come home.

Oh well, when in Spain so they say and happen we will join in on Saturday night!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Key Problems

Dopey went and lost his house keys last Friday which wouldn´t have been too much of a problem if we had spares for the garage and the lock-up. How many times have I mentioned it? Today´s mission was to borrow a garage key from my neighbour and get some new ones cut. The lock-up will be a major job as it needs drilling out.............the drill is inside!!

To make matters worse the Community President has decided to change the lock on the main door and to leave keys in the mail box. Fair enough if you are indoors but if I remember rightly I was out the last time he did it. Grrrrrr.................

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Birthday Bash

We had a pleasant evening at Maz´s birthday party on Friday.
Lots of lovely food and nice music.
Thanks to both Maz and Bernard for a great evening xxx

Friday, July 25, 2008

Hotel Gran Melia Palacio de Isora

Brian and I had a wander around the perimeter of the new hotel in Alcala last week. It´s a five minute drive from us but could be on a different planet. Not your ordinary loungers but double beds under a bamboo roof with silk curtains all around. The main pool is the full length of the site and it´s rumoured that the occupants of the suites have their own personal butler.
We did consider popping into the bar for a quick beer but decided that wasn´t quite our scene!
I must admit that it really is quite beautiful.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bits and Bats

I have been suffering with sun burn from my recent trip to Las Americas. The first time I´ve been burned whilst I´ve lived here. It was stupid of me to wander around for three hours with a strappy top on but I didn´t think of it at the time. Thankfully, the sore bit has gone although I´m left with an itchy, flaking back.

Monday bowling has started again. The new owners of the Bowling Alley are in the middle of renovating it which is interesting. Lilac and yellow walls!

I´ve been trying my hand at painting this week. I´ve decided that I have been looking my yellow walls long enough and it´s time for a change. I´ve chosen white as I have a dark blue suite on my wish list and reckon it would be a good combination.

Friday night is party night as it´s Maz´s sixtieth birthday. She´s having a ´bit of a do´ at Raul´s Bar with a hot buffet and fifty guests. We rarely go out during the evening so it will make a nice change.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Internet Friendly!

Maz rang earlier to ask me to check something out on the internet for her. I was busily typing in the www. thingy and didn´t quite hear the last letter. Having asked if it was `d´ for dog or `b´ for bernard I got `no it´s `p´for flaming prick´!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Las Americas

Sue had to visit the hospital yesterday as the surgeon needed to discuss her forthcoming operation. I went along to keep her company and, hopefully, as moral support.

After the nasty bit was sorted we went off for a walk around Las Americas. Did we walk?!! As I tend to stick to the places which I know I´d no idea how large it really was. Still, keeping our eye on the coastline we kept our bearings and ended up next to the Centro Commercial which is a handy spot for the bus home.

A pleasant afternoon and I managed another visit to Burger King!

Monday, July 14, 2008


Whilst searching for some photos to send to Tully I came across a box of photographic slides. They date back to when Tully´s Dad and her Auntie Sam were small and I´d love to see them again.

Our projector rusted out and was whizzed years ago and I don´t reckon they make them these days. Happen it might be worth a visit to the photo shop this week to ask if they could be turned into pics.

Watch this space.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mobile Phones

My Movistar contract ran out a couple of months ago and, although I´ve been able to use my phone, the charges have been well high.

BT Mobile were doing a good deal and Shona and I went to check it out a few weeks ago. I was impressed enough to sign the contract but after some thought decided against it and cancelled. Why on earth did they need to see my last three bank statements..........I´m not buying a house!

You don´t get the wonderful deals here with free phones etc. but work on a point system. For the 8,000 points I´d accumulated and 45 Euros I was entitled to this Samsung thingy from Movistar. It sold itself for it´s large screen and the girl was well amused when I called it a ´Grannie´ phone. My Spanish is coming on in leaps and bounds!

I´m happy with it and our Jamie thinks it´s cool. Brian is moaning because he gets my old one, yet again.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Monday Bowling

We have reached the end of another season and here are Ron and Adam posing with their winner´s trophies.
Only another couple of weeks before it all starts again and Ros reckons that we´ll be up there next time. Wishful thinking or what?

Friday, July 04, 2008

Euro Millions

I can´t remember the last time that we did the lottery but we thought we´d give tonight´s Euro Millions a go.

I´d love to report that we had a winning ticket but we only had one number from two lines. A bit of a blow as I´d already spent most of it!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


We had a brilliant evening down at the local bar. Having watched the semi-final at home we decided that it would be great to enjoy the final along with the Spanish.

You wouldn´t believe the noise and my ears are still ringing. Drums and hooters along with clapping and shouting. I must admit that my throat is sore from screaming ´España´. The celebrations are continuing out in the streets.

Spanish, English and three or four Germans in one small bar and the atmosphere was brilliant we all shared the champagne at the end.

Well done Spain!

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Housework Bit

It really isn´t my thing and I admit to struggling a bit. I just don´t seem to have the knack like other women. Brian says that the interest isn´t there and he could be right as I´d much rather sit at a desk and push paper.

Shopping is another chore. You can´t just go to one shop for all your stuff here so you trail around getting this and that. What I´d give for!!

Anyway, I was up at nine this morning, did a few tidy up things, took Clio out and then went to the shops. Home again and time for the cooking bit. I´d decided on this cross between potato pie and cottage pie. Nice and easy as it all got shoved in a dish and put in the oven. Phew!

Sweeping and mopping until four when it was time to meet Brian after he finished work. A nice way to spend a Friday evening............not.

He sat and read the paper for an hour, came home, ate his tea and fell asleep in the chair. At exactly ten thirty he awoke and went to bed! Hardly a word for the ´little woman´. My heart goes out to housewives, past and present as it´s a thankless task.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Sue and I haven´t had a day out for ages and so we decided to go for it today. The plan was to catch a bus to Las Americas Bus Station and then jump on the first bus which turned up.

The next one which was due in was to El Medano but as that one didn´t turn up we took the second option, Granadilla. We had absolutely no idea where we were going but it was fun speculating. Would we know where to get off? Well, after going higher and further away from the coast we eventually ended up in a small bus station. There only seemed to be one main street with a couple of shops, a couple of bars and nowhere for lunch. Quite a lot of through traffic but we couldn´t work out where they were all coming from or going to.

After we had ´done´ both of the shops and had a beer we headed back to Las Americas for an all day breakfast and a tour around the Centro Commercial...............not that I could find anything I liked!

We are now armed with a bus timetable and a map so our next outing should be more structured. We probably won´t enjoy it so much though!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


We went down to our local this afternoon and the News of the World was being passed from one to the other. It isn´t often that someone you know is front page news.
I´m naming no-one but he does look better in the flesh!
Photo: News of the World

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Another Run In

Clio mentioned that we had been attacked by two dogs a couple of weeks ago. Well, we came across them again today as we were walking towards home. Thankfully, Brian was with us this time.

It appears that their owners have taken over the German bar and the dogs flew at Clio as we went past. Brian hit out at them with the bag of videos which he was carrying. I haven´t seen Brian ´square up´ at anyone in years but matey backed down at the sight of him. His wife turned on me at that point which earned her another ´stupid cow´!

How on earth can people run a bar with dogs like that on the loose? At least I know where they are now and can avoid that part of the village.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

All at Once!

As Shona had to leave today we decided to have an Indian meal delivered last night. We were just about to set off home when a pair of familiar faces appeared. Vernon and Vicky of all people.

Vernon is one of our mates from Cornwall days and it was great to see them both. Unfortunately, we had to get home for our delivery so it was a quick catch up. Happen we´ll see them again before they go back to England.

I went to the airport with Shona this morning and can report that she´s home again. I can´t believe how the week sped by.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Little Holiday

Shona arrived last Thursday and as Brian has been working for most of the week we´ve been enjoying each other´s company and having a bit of fun. I did plan to blog our activities each day but it hasn´t happened so I´ll do a bit of a catch up.

We´ve pootled around the village most days doing a little bit of shopping, having the odd beer, walking Clio and eating out. We had a huge fried breakfast yesterday which made Brian very jealous. Such a sulk!

Today´s mission was to catch the bus to Los Cristianos and do the tourist thing. Shona had her usual ´duty free´ list, which we sorted and then went to Burger King. As it´s next in line to KFC, I really enjoyed it. It´s so nice to do something English now and again.

It´s her last day tomorrow and we´ve planned to visit the market and then pop over to Santiago for a couple of hours. More tourist stuff.

I´ll really miss her.

Thursday, June 05, 2008


My hankering for a KFC has continued and when I heard that a spicy chicken restaurant had opened in the village I was well eager to give it a go. I waited for a few reports..........some loved it and some didn´t. More good than bad. One mate, Ian, who always moans hated it but we put that down to him being a fusspot.

We had a fairly busy day and decided to try it out tonight. It was so awful and never again.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Bit of a Spree

It has been a little hard financially during the past few months because of the difference in the Exchange Rate so we haven´t had much by way of a treat. (I´m not counting my new computer as that was my lifesaver.)

Anyway, Brian´s first pay turned up in the bank today so we decided to blow a little of it. Clio got a couple of bits from the pet shop, Brian had new trainers and we had a Chinese takeaway for dinner. I´m booked into the hairdresser´s for a bit of pampering on Monday. Long overdue I must admit.

My most wicked moment was handing over three euros fifty for a Take a Break...............naughty me!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bits and Bats

It wasn´t a bank holiday here today so bowling went on as normal. Ros and I keep having to play the big boys and we aren´t doing to well at the moment. Still it was just us with six blokes today which was a good laugh.

Locker fees are now due and I´ve been debating whether to give it up or not. Brian doesn´t play now and I´m down to once a fortnight so it seems a bit extravagant to keep it. I am quite attached to it though and it does save dragging a ten pound ball and shoes around with me every other Monday. The answer came to me earlier................I have subs due shortly which will go a long way towards it. Locker thirteen and I are mates for another year!

Shona is coming to stay in June. Her William commented on the fact that I haven´t been blogging very much lately. There hasn´t been much to say to be honest as I´m spending loads of time at home. Cleaning and cooking is boring enough without writing about it! Clio is struggling too as she is being super good at the moment. I´m sure it won´t last!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Nice Weekend

Brian had the weekend off after working solidly for the past seven days. We decided to keep it to ourselves and have a quiet one. A bit of shopping on Saturday followed by an early dinner and a spot of television. I didn´t catch the whole of Eurovision but saw enough to reckon that it´s totally unfair but as long as you can relate to Terry Wogan and take the lighter view it isn´t that bad!

We pootled around the apartment this morning and then had a nice Sunday roast whilst watching the racing. Well done Mr Hamilton!

A walk around the village with Clio, a couple of beers and home again. Just the way I wanted it.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Happen I should say ´lack of it´!!

Brian elected to watch the football down at the bar tonight whilst I tuned into ´The Apprentice´. On and off all the way through and I must admit that had I been able to pick the flaming thing up it would have been thrown over the balcony. If Brian had been trying to watch the match...........well, I dread to think!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Different Chemicals

My tum has been playing up a little lately and so I decided to ditch the Dorada and try a little white wine. Brian was eager to watch the Manchester United match so I sat outside the bar, in the sunshine, and read my book.
It´s a little like going from proper coffee to that red label stuff. I really get the shakes if I have caffeine these days but I never thought that I´d see the day when half a lager wouldn´t suit.
The wine was ok but I did get a severe attack of the giggles after two glasses. Happen I´ll try the red next time!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Internet Friends

I´ve been chattering to Ruth on the internet for around four years now. We have a shared interest in Family History. She finally came out for a week´s holiday and we met up on Wednesday afternoon.

I did feel a little nervous but as soon as we got chatting we hardly stopped! Her sister, Sandra, left, turned up last year along with their Mum so we spent some time together then.

They are now back in Glasgow but we have a lovely afternoon to remember.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Flippin´ Forms Again!

We were feeling really happy with ourselves having faced the Spanish Bureaucracy and received the form for Brian´s work contract. Smugness doesn´t last long as he now needs another one.

This time it´s a visit to the Social in Los Cristianos and yet another early start. I´ve bailed out as I´m sure that he can deal with it himself. Happen this elusive contract will appear at some point.

It has been a week for it really as a mate turned up this morning asking for help with her State Pension Form. Would you believe that it was sixteen pages long? That done and whilst I was still on the website I asked when I could claim mine. It appears that I have to wait until I´m sixty two.

Will I still be able to complete a form at that age?

Gran Canaria

Not too much to report because Charlotte´s ear infection took the excitement out of the day. She slept for most of it! I should have taken advantage of the peace but I was a little worried.

The ferry was awful. You couldn´t get out and were advised to remain seated at all times. I´ve never seen so many folk being sick at the same time and they had a ´special chap´ dressed in his Fred Olsen uniform, just for collecting and refreshing sick bags. I wonder what he did wrong?
We toured several churches, visited a museum and came home again. Not very exciting for a couple of hundred youngsters as it was purely educational. To say that they never had chance to let off any steam they were so well behaved.
I spotted these dogs outside a cathedral. One day I might work out why they were there!!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

My Poorly Mate

I´m still buzzing from my day and although I´m well wrecked I know sleep isn´t an option at the moment. Charlotte went down with an ear infection quite early in our journey. Lots of decisions to make and I´m still not sure that I made the right one. Thankfully, Mum and Dad felt that she was safe enough in my hands and left it to me.

We enjoyed our day as best we could and the full report will turn up soon.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Off on a Mission

I´m packing my bag in readiness for our journey to Gran Canaria tomorrow. I don´t ´do´ excited but I am really looking forward to it.

As it´s an educational trip for the children we are looking at a couple of cathedrals...........Vegueta and Arucus, information for anyone who feels inspired enough to look them up.............and some old villages which are typical of the island.

We have to be at Charlotte´s school before six o´clock but won´t reach the island until ten thirty. Hopefully there will be a play room on the ferry or I´ll be hearing ´are we nearly there yet?´ for hours!

Back to the bag...........butties, sausage rolls, crisps, juice, and water. My camera, sick bags and a loo roll, just in case Charlotte has a problem. It struck me to take my E111...........I hope it´s not a premonition!

Anyway, here´s to a happy day and prepare for loads of pics soon.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hot or What?

I love nothing more than living
here with the sunny weather but today was painful.

Frequent gusts of hot wind which took your breath away and covered you in the sand blown from Africa.

Poor Clio only managed half of her walk as she was gasping for breath. It was reported that the temperature at eight this morning was 34 degrees and rose to 41 degrees by the late afternoon. No sun in sight, just wind and heat.

Fires are becoming a problem in La Gomera. The Spanish news was showing villas blazing earlier and also extra firefighters being ferried in from other islands. The picture above shows the problems that they had in July, last year.

Nothing here as yet apart from a fire in the wood yard down the road. I could smell it from my house and sat here pondering on what I would rescue first. Passports, bank stuff and important papers followed by my jewellery box, if I had the engines sorted it before my imagination ran riot!

It´s quiet now, although hot enough to be July, the wind has dropped and happen it will all be back to normal tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


A good mate of mine pointed out that I didn´t explain why we needed a form so urgently and thought that we had done something illegal. A good time to put matters right!

Actually, it´s good news. Brian has a new job and needed the paperwork for his official contract. All perfectly normal should you want to work here.

He´s doing maintenance at a local hotel which is nice and steady and he seems to have enjoyed his first day. Sound asleep now though!

The only drawback is that I´m in charge of cooking. No such thing as a perfect world!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What a Morning!

We had to go to the Police Station in Las Americas this morning which meant an early start. I didn´t realise that so many people were about at six in the morning. Not my favourite time of day.

Anyway, we got there at around seven to find around sixty people in the queue. Everyone stood there on the pavement waiting for the doors to open at nine o´clock. Nowhere to sit and nothing of interest to watch.

By the time two police officers came out to see us the queue had grown to about two hundred. We were then divided into two groups........Spanish on one side and the extranjeros (foreigners) on the other. It appears that the first fifty in each line get a ticket for the next queue. The rest had to go away and try again another day.

Just when we were beginning to get excited the police officer told us that we needed to pay nine euros before we could apply for the form we wanted. He sent us to information where we were supplied with a bank payment form and then sent on our way. No magic ticket for us.

All in all it took us over four hours to accomplish nothing and we have to do it all over again another day. Flaming Spanish red tape!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

As Promised

A couple of pics showing the new style beach in Playa San Juan. Boardwalks, showers and toilets, what more could one want? They all looked well happy and it was a pleasant walk.

Our next stop was to call into Bar San Juan to watch the Blackburn Rovers match. I was their only supporter as usual and had beer mats thrown at me when they got their goal. All in good fun and I was so happy to see them get a draw. Well done Rovers!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I haven´t been down to the beach for three weeks or so and rumour has it that it´s all done and dusted.
They opted for natural black sand which I feel is in keeping with the environment............we don´t want it turning into Blackpool do we? Nowt wrong with Blackpool but each to it´s own.
I feel sure that Clio will fancy a stroll down there tomorrow whilst I take the opportunity to photograph the finished product.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Or should I say the lack of it?

I had a busy enough day yesterday, what with bowling and such so I was sure I´d have a good night´s sleep. I was all settled and went sound...........for half an hour! I tossed and turned for an hour or so before resorting to my book. I´m reading ´London´by Edward Rutherford, which is mighty enough to make anyone doze off. Anyone else but me that is.

Two hundred pages later I was still wide awake. That was half five. Next stop computer where I stayed for another three hours. All the neighbours set off for work and I heard the kiddies going into school.

By nine I was sound asleep! I´ve been feeling grotty all day and I´m sure that come bedtime it will all start again. Pretty scary really.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Phoenix Project

Hyndburn Council have been systematically demolishing the old mill houses during the last few years. Now it´s the turn of our old family home.

I´m not sure why this upsets me unless it´s all the memories which have been flooding back in recent weeks. My brother and I used to run riot around the local area, each promising each other that we´d never stop playing out! Hopscotch on the pavement outside with twenty or so other kids. A rope tied to the lamp post at the top of the street for skipping. Statues and hide and seek. It all went on and didn´t we have fun?!

My poor Mum was buried from there when I was just fifteen and four years later I walked out of the door wearing my wedding dress. I never went back. So sad.

Thanks to Mick from Accyweb for the photo xx

Monday, April 07, 2008

Bits and Bats

Charlotte and I are off to Gran Canaria this year for "our" school trip. At this rate I will have seen all of the seven islands by the time she moves on to senior school! It´s a long day by all accounts as we have to travel to Santa Cruz to pick up the ferry, followed by a tour of Gran Canaria and home again. Lots of walking too.

It´s the bowling dinner tomorrow night but no trophies for Jeff and Brian this year. I´m looking forward to garlic mushrooms, pepper steak and profiteroles......................that´s if I have enough room!

Village news isn´t good at the moment. Little Lottie´s grandad died on Saturday and some of the locals hired a minibus to attend the funeral today, which was up in the north of the island. June, a friend of mine, is in intensive care with liver problems and Sue was admitted on Friday with pneumonia. Our sympathies to Bill´s family and best wishes for a speedy recovery to June and Sue x

Friday, April 04, 2008

Vista Ultimate

That´s posh for you!

After around six weeks without a home computer I now have a complete new system which I´m trying to find my way around. We did try to resurrect the old one as I was reluctant to lose the stuff I had on there. It just seemed like we were throwing good money after bad and had to make the choice.

I´m now on the hunt for my old favourite sites which could take some time. Nice to be back blogging and expect more soon!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Woe is Me!!

I´m a bit lost at the moment because my computer gave up the ghost a few weeks ago. Internet shops are fine but it isn´t quite the same as nattering to your mates at midnight!

Not to worry as we are searching for a good deal for a new one and hopefully, normal service will be resumed soon.

Friday, February 22, 2008

I Really Fancy............

..............KFC. Three pieces of chicken, french fries, coleslaw and one of their lovely coffees. Yummy, yummy!

Absolutely no chance as it's over an hour's drive to the nearest and it won't taste the same as it does in England. Strange that. We hanker after stuff like sausage rolls, scotch eggs, black puddings and pork pies but when we get them they never live up to expectations.

I've just found a biography of Spike Milligan written by Norma Farnes. It's amazing what turns up in our spare room! I'm off to bed soon to start it and, hopefully, my late night cravings won't interrupt my concentration.

Next time you have KFC think of me!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Mark Jeff's Words

He's not a chap who readily gives in to doom and gloom but he did give me some food for thought this afternoon. He reckons we will all turn up and find that the Bowling Alley has closed and he doesn't think it will be long in coming.

On reflection, I agree with him. The leagues are dwindling, machinery is being repaired but not replaced, no adverts on the local radio and no-one has demanded the locker fees which were due on the first of the year. In fact, they haven't even been mentioned.

There is a general air of disinterest. The printer packed in weeks ago and internet access wandered away. All pretty obvious when the idea gets into your head.

I can't say that I would miss Sunday bowling but I do enjoy playing in the Monday league. Ros and I had a good win today against Carol and Eliot...........the first time they have been beaten this season!

Now I'm worrying about getting my ball and shoes out!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Party!

It was Charlotte's seventh birthday today and having been invited to her party we had a walk down to the park this evening.
She looked really nice and natural in her 'Spanish Style' frock and was having the time of her life.
We didn't stay long and I missed out on the cake. Happen she will save us some.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I'm into the habit of giving Clio three or four doggy biscuits during the evening. She isn't allowed any scraps or 'human food' so this is her daily treat.

She has to work for it though. We started with sit, then stay, shake a paw and now for the first time she did 'lie down' tonight. I am so impressed with her. Seven months old and she can do all that.

Such a wonderful puppy and I love her to bits.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chewing Gum

I'm having a bit of a rant about this at the moment as I spend ages grooming Clio only to find that she is covered in the stuff when we get home.

The police, and rightly so, would fine me if I didn't clean up after my dog but it seems that it's ok for other people to throw gum wherever they want.

There's nothing else for it but to cut off the affected fur tomorrow which is so sad. Poor puppy!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Strawberries for Tea!

It wasn't until I uploaded the pic that I realised that the flash wasn't on. Apologies for the dark fuzzy photo but it's too late now! Pretty yummy though.
I've been a little 'blogless' lately as life has just trundled by without anything interesting to report. It has been the same old thing. Dog walking, cleaning, washing and a couple of beers before the usual telly stuff.
Those 'hidden object' games have claimed my attention just recently. You can spend hours searching for sea horses, hour glasses and frogs. Which puts me in mind of a boss I used to have years ago. He'd sit at his desk every morning and say 'Roll on death'!! I wonder if he felt the same when he retired?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Ray

Another year older mate xx. He starts a little flurry of family birthdays as Maisie has hers this week followed by Katie and lastly, our Tully reaches three.

Still on the subject of birthdays, Jeff, Brian's bowling partner was seventy today. Doreen arranged for a little celebration and cake. He reckons that he will be wheeled in for his next milestone.

It has been a quiet week and I've been trying to do a little spring cleaning. More fool me! As fast as I'm dusting and mopping the wind is bringing more dust and sand. Mission abandoned for the time being at least.

'Canary Watch' is entering it's last week as Sue and Don are travelling back next Sunday. It must be awful for them and their family having to wait two weeks for the funeral of Don's Mum. Really sad.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Spots, Doors and Bowling

My face and my back were itching like hell when I awoke this morning. It was awful and I looked like a boiled lobster. I did a health check on google and discovered that I could have all manner of things. It was quite amusing weepy your doctor........itchy your doctor!! I followed all the tracks and decided it was an allergy but to what I know not. Anyway, it seemed the best thing to do was to have a lukewarm bath without any bubbles. It's easier and we'll see how it goes.

I'm sorry to report that Don's Mum died on Friday and they are staying in England for a little longer.

We've had such dreadful winds this weekend and so I decided to check their house out before I went off to bowling. All was fine apart from their cushions and stuff on the balcony which I took indoors. Could I lock the doors afterwards? Too short for one and the other one wouldn't play ball..............I did it in the end but not before I'd uttered a few choice words!

Ros and I had another four all draw at bowling. Not bad!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Poor Vera

That was so sad. I haven't cried watching Corrie since Hilda Ogden left but I needed a few tissues tonight. Even Brian 'filled up'.

It was so well done though and very true to life.

On the lighter side. I had a bet that her last words would be 'Oh Jack!'.........lost that one. My daughter sent a text to say that at least he had a pigeon!

Lancashire humour!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Canary Watch

Sue and Don went off to England at Christmas leaving me in charge of their canaries. It's easy enough as I pop in every three days and feed and water them.

I didn't expect to have the job again so soon though. Don's mum is seriously ill and they have had to jet off again this week. A sad time, especially after the loss of Bernard's father a few weeks ago.

Back to the birds...........she appears to be nesting. Flippin' heck, I'm not responsible enough, remember Ken?!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


As Clio reported on her blog, she ripped my magazine into thousands of pieces on Sunday. It took us ages to clear it all up but we obviously missed a bit. She wandered past me today with this in her mouth. That is really weird!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

What Now?

We were on our way to bowling this afternoon when Doreen rang my mobile. Everything cancelled because of a major fire in the car park below the bowling alley and the whole complex had been closed down. I must admit that I was pretty pleased as it is becoming a chore lately but what else could we do?

After a little indecision we nipped into Playa Paraiso and had a huge Sunday roast at Eldon House. The landlady is friendly with our mates, Liz and Lyndsay and as I'd received an email from them I could fill her in on their progress. All very nice and she sends her love, Liz xx.

Too stuffed to do much else we went home to catch the second half of the Bolton v Blackburn match. Well done Rovers! The darts final was good too.

I won't tell you what that wicked puppy did as I'm sure she'll tell you herself!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Flippin' Toothache

I awoke this morning with a mild niggle in one of my back teeth. As I'm so terrified of dentists, I've tried to ignore it for most of the day. Stupid move, or what? Nothing open until Monday and it's now reached the screaming level.

I reckon that whoever designed the human body really messed up as far as teeth are concerned. What's the point of giving out two sets before you reach ten years old when a second set would be so perfect at forty plus? Happen in those first days we weren't destined to reach such an old age! I don't know but I really wish that it didn't hurt so much.

A couple of Nurofen and bed. A miracle might occur and all will be well tomorrow.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Family Fortunes

Charlotte is well hooked on the TV programme, Family Fortunes, and we all get a chance to play it with her. It's well punctuated with dings and beep beeps and no-one seems to win!
Tonight's first question was 'who works at night?'. All went well until taxi drivers were mentioned. She was adamant that they only worked during the day. My turn for the first question tomorrow. Thinking cap is now on!
This is her latest pic featuring her new 'hairdo' and the latest gap in her teeth. Another euro from the Tooth Fairy.

Happy Birthday Sam!

Have a really lovely day. Lots of love xx
Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Silly Sunday

It was Sunday bowling again today after our two-week break. It did give me an opportunity to get out of the village but the bowling wasn't up to much.

It was more interesting to observe this woman who brought eight children for a birthday party. They all bowled and had a kiddies' meal whilst the woman propped up the bar drinking wine. All quite normal until she rounded up the kids and prepared to leave. She didn't have any money! League members retired to 'smoker's corner' to debate the issue but the manager kept her head and held the woman hostage until funds turned up. Fancy having enough neck to try to get away with that!

Jeff came back to the village with us and we settled ourselves outside San Juan bar for a couple of beers. All well and good until Dave and Charlotte turned up. Dave decided to bounce her football and all hell broke loose. It hit my head, then Brian's glass and poor Jeff got drenched! Thank goodness that he has a sense of humour and he's about to sign me up as a centre forward in his fantasy football league!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Gunfight at OK Coral

Well, it felt like it!

After flobbing around the house for most of the day we decided to walk Clio down to the Church Square late this afternoon. We all needed a little exercise!

It was amusing to listen to other folk's accounts of New Year's Eve. I think the award goes to Karen who managed to stay out until six thirty! We didn't have much to say as we were good kids and stayed in.

What really tickled me was the war going on between Charlotte and her cousin Shannon. Both being tired and hating each other, well at least for this afternoon, it looked like a murder might be committed. 'She won't give me a sweetie', 'I want her Pringles' followed by a stomp or three across the square. Shannon, being that bit older came out with 'Get over it and welcome to MY world'. Well funny and hard not to smile.

I'm glad that I only had a puppy to bring home!