Now that I'm a retired person, Friday doesn't mean very much these days, but I do like to celebrate it on occasion. Thinking back, I can remember flying around the Police Station, trying to make sure that everything was in place for the weekend. After that, a visit to the Unity, for a quick half of lager before going home. I'm not too sure that I still have the stamina for all that stuff and forget the Unity........long since demolished to make way for a new shopping complex. That was a sad day and I'm glad I didn't see it go, especially as the replacement is so scary!!
Back to reality:
Young Clio, doesn't seem to be getting the message about toilet training, no matter how I try. A smacked bum for every accident followed by a trip to the newspaper. Happen we may have a breakthrough today though, as I shouted it her for piddling and she ran off and sat on the paper. I'm sure that she was grinning!!
Maisie had her first day at proper school today. Her brother, Martin, assured me that she was ok and had fun. Jamie, enters her second year at senior school on Monday. Good luck to her.
Charlotte also went back to school after her three-month break. She was 'so excited' yesterday but it was shortlived as it was just a sort of induction day. Never mind, full time from next week.
Maz and Bernard are off to England next week and it's reported that another friend is travelling back tomorrow for hospital treatment. All our love and good wishes to her xxx.
Village news over and time for bed!