Friday, September 15, 2006

A Fun Afternoon

I collected Charlotte from nursery this afternoon for our regular Thursday jaunt. We had an extra mission today as we needed a nice flat stone for, I won't be playing!! Her Mum is intending to mark it out for her on their roof terrace. That done, she marched me down onto the beach to look at a dead turtle. I couldn't see it no matter how hard I looked. Imagination is a powerful thing!

Next stop the supermarket for our icecream. We try out a different one every week. Today's was 'lemony' and really very nice. After half an hour in the swing park (I got really high!), we went off for our computer time. We adopted a blue virtual pet named Wendy and can I find it now? Poor thing must be starving.

I had a text from Sue who is in England for a couple of weeks. They went over for a wedding but, unfortunately, Don's mum broke her hip. Not such a good holiday but at least they are there for her.

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