I've been struggling with my old one for ages as the cursor kept wandering all over the place. It was optical but not wireless and it made life a little uncomfortable with all the reaching.
After getting well cross with it yesterday I went off to the computer shop and bought this posh jobbie. Would it flippin' work, would it 'eck. I was working up to taking it back but didn't want to appear stupid if it was something simple so I've been festering and moaning all day.
Thankfully, we met up with Bill and Muriel today and they have the same thing. Their son Paul is the whizz kid in their house and after I'd grumped for a little while Muriel got fed up enough to ring him. It just required a little tweaking with the base connect and the mouse connect.
Done and dusted now and I'm happy, optical and wireless. Thank goodness that I didn't go and moan in the shop and thanks to Paul x.