Panic stations in Tenerife! Canal Digital Plus have complained to the Police about the English bars and English residents receiving Sky TV illegally. As a result the Police have been visiting the bars and seizing their viewing cards. They have also closed down the businesses that supply them. They are a French company and can't provide an English service.
I know it's wrong but many of these bars rely on customers calling in to watch their favourite teams and lots of holiday makers enjoy a few beers whilst enjoying the footie. The girlies can catch up with the soaps too. Tenerife's tourist industry is dying quickly enough without another nail in the coffin. Expensive flights, all inclusive hotels and now this. OK, we are in the Canaries and it's their country but they were quick enough to sell the banana plantations to developers and make a living from the visitors. Sorry, I digress, back to the TV.
We don't have Sky but do have a BBC package which is transmitted illegally and fully expected ours to be closed down tonight. I managed to watch Coronation Street and then noticed that four of our channels had gone off. One by one the others went and we ended up reading. I was dead miffed as I so wanted to watch the start of the Apprentice. Thankfully, at nine fifteen, BBC came back so I caught most of it. We now have three channels back and with luck all will be well tomorrow.
I know I'm sad but we don't work and can't afford to go out every day so the television is our saviour during the evening. I must admit that if we do lose it we will have to find a way to get back to blighty!