For some reason I have been thinking about taking up driving again. I passed my driving test on the 23rd of July, 1979 and remember it so well! We had a mini at the time and my husband turned up to collect me afterwards with Mark and Sam in the car.........they were all so happy to see that I'd passed!!
I've had so many cars, normally Toyotas and they have all been given names.........I can remember, Alice, Daisy, Blossom, Pearl, Olivia and then Jennifer who was a similar model to the one pictured. She was a year younger and had a T bar, the love of my life! Next was Millie, I hated her, then Elizabeth, shortly followed by Arthur Astra. Somewhere in between was Bertie Rumble who was a complete pain but served me well at the time.
Peter was next, a Fiesta Si, he is on my list of favourites but the last car I owned in England was a Mazda MX3..........nice to drive but horrible to park........Polly!!
I keep looking at Melvyn and wondering if I might manage the wrong side of the road driving. I've made a little map to get me to the shop, very scary, but I think I might give it a go, Tuesday sounds good! Wish me luck!