A friend of mine wandered over to me earlier to ask where I bought my flip-flops. I was expecting her to say how much she liked them but I couldn´t have been more wrong.
It seems that she was looking for a cheap pair to wear around the house!!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Good For Us!
Doreen and I have been bowling together as a team for over three years now and can tell where each other´s ball is going as soon as it hits the lane. It was the same when I had Martin for a partner for Monday League.
Today was the third match with my new partner, Ros, and we had to play the league leaders, Dave and Mary. Most folk in the bowling alley would agree that they are in a class of their own and are very hard to beat. We didn´t do too well on the first two games but started to get it together on the last. We also began to ´see´ where each others balls were going and offered a little bit of advice, as you do!
A little bit of a crowd gathered from the seventh frame onwards and were rewarded by our two points. It isn´t a handicap league so pinching two points from them was so good for us.
Go, girlies, go.......
Today was the third match with my new partner, Ros, and we had to play the league leaders, Dave and Mary. Most folk in the bowling alley would agree that they are in a class of their own and are very hard to beat. We didn´t do too well on the first two games but started to get it together on the last. We also began to ´see´ where each others balls were going and offered a little bit of advice, as you do!
A little bit of a crowd gathered from the seventh frame onwards and were rewarded by our two points. It isn´t a handicap league so pinching two points from them was so good for us.
Go, girlies, go.......
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I´m Hooked

I´ve never really been a fan of Holby City but I just can´t get enough of it at the moment. A few weeks ago we watched one poor woman going off to Switzerland insisting that she had a right to die and then a brave fight against cancer from another.
Poor Tricia. All those drugs and operations and then she gets killed on her way to the airport for a much needed holiday. I didn´t know whether to laugh or cry!
A good bowling day for Doreen and I (The Rackettes) as we were looking at an eight nil defeat at the start of the last game. Thankfully, we got it together and ended up with a draw. Jeff and Brian (The Rack ´ems) also had four points. Check out http://www.canarianweekly.com/localNews1172.html for all the results. Badly typed, I agree, someone hasn´t found the tab key!
Friday, November 24, 2006
About Time!
My desk, or I should have said the mess on my desk, has been getting to me for ages. I had a massive clear out today and I´m left with the normal stationery things, my diary, a lovely Waterford crystal paper knife which ´im indoors bought for me years ago, a couple of paperweights and a lava rock given to me by my son.
Charlotte wasn´t too pleased though as she missed all my teddies. I did think of giving her a couple of them (some are too special to give away) but her mum wouldn´t have appreciated it. Far too many teddies in their house!
We had a nice afternoon though. Lemony ice cream in the park and a swing race..........how old am I?. Back home for half an hour of Dora the Explorer and a game of snap. Down memory lane a little as the only other child who could find fifty ways to cheat at snap was Welby!
Charlotte wasn´t too pleased though as she missed all my teddies. I did think of giving her a couple of them (some are too special to give away) but her mum wouldn´t have appreciated it. Far too many teddies in their house!
We had a nice afternoon though. Lemony ice cream in the park and a swing race..........how old am I?. Back home for half an hour of Dora the Explorer and a game of snap. Down memory lane a little as the only other child who could find fifty ways to cheat at snap was Welby!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
A Nice Chorley Man
I´ve been looking for a small hand bag for months. Just big enough for my mobile, specs and ciggies so we went up to the market this morning and found the perfect one. It only cost six euros and does the job.
We met up with this really nice bloke on our way home. He caught the bus from Los Christianos intending to end up in Los Gigantes. Unfortunately, he had a bit of a panic and ended up ten minutes away from his destination. The first thing he said was ´Can you tell me where I am?´.
It was his first visit to Tenerife and he told us, over a drink, that he had been to Santa Cruz, Puerto del a Cruz and all on the bus. I had a sneaking suspicion that he was a Lancashire lad and then he confessed to living in Chorley.
We sent him on his way, after giving him the directions............a nice encounter.
We met up with this really nice bloke on our way home. He caught the bus from Los Christianos intending to end up in Los Gigantes. Unfortunately, he had a bit of a panic and ended up ten minutes away from his destination. The first thing he said was ´Can you tell me where I am?´.
It was his first visit to Tenerife and he told us, over a drink, that he had been to Santa Cruz, Puerto del a Cruz and all on the bus. I had a sneaking suspicion that he was a Lancashire lad and then he confessed to living in Chorley.
We sent him on his way, after giving him the directions............a nice encounter.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
It´s happen as well that I don´t go to bed early as they are currently re-surfacing the main road. I can understand that it is easier for them to do it during the night but do they really need the reversing bleepers on? It´s half past midnight here and you would not believe the noise up there...........impatient drivers hooting and the workmen yelling their heads off!
To add insult to injury, they have also started building on the empty site next to us. So when one lot of bleepers stop another one starts! No peace from 11 pm until 5 pm the next day.
To add insult to injury, they have also started building on the empty site next to us. So when one lot of bleepers stop another one starts! No peace from 11 pm until 5 pm the next day.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Five Weeks...........

But, it´s been as lively as a cricket today so happen I´ll give it another chance. Someone in the Telefonica building may be looking after me!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
It´s Hard Work Being 58!
Happy Birthday Brian xx
We had quite a nice day. Bowling this afternoon followed by a couple of beers with Dave, Caron and Vic. Marilyn and Bernard turned up later which was good.
He´s been having scary moments though as he´s dreading the big 60. Sam rang him this morning and told him not too worry about it as he´ll never reach it!! Looking at him snoring in his chair she could be right!
We had quite a nice day. Bowling this afternoon followed by a couple of beers with Dave, Caron and Vic. Marilyn and Bernard turned up later which was good.
He´s been having scary moments though as he´s dreading the big 60. Sam rang him this morning and told him not too worry about it as he´ll never reach it!! Looking at him snoring in his chair she could be right!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
I Spoke too Soon!
It´s like banging your head against a brick wall getting this internet connection to work. It was perfect yesterday but now it´s on and off so much that it´s making me dizzy!!
How can it be ok one minute and not the next? To make matters worse, my bit torrent isn´t uploading although the downloads are fine. If I don´t file share, no more Corrie. It doesn´t bear thinking about!
I can normally sort it but this is really beyond me. I just wish I could have a computer mending man who spoke English!!
On a really sad note, our friend, John, is very sick and in hospital at the moment. Michael is looking after Sally, his Labrador, as well as keeping us all informed. Lots of love to John xxx
How can it be ok one minute and not the next? To make matters worse, my bit torrent isn´t uploading although the downloads are fine. If I don´t file share, no more Corrie. It doesn´t bear thinking about!
I can normally sort it but this is really beyond me. I just wish I could have a computer mending man who spoke English!!
On a really sad note, our friend, John, is very sick and in hospital at the moment. Michael is looking after Sally, his Labrador, as well as keeping us all informed. Lots of love to John xxx
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
So Nice
It´s wonderful to have my computer back as the house seems so empty without it. I´m not too sure about the workings of them but it didn´t seem right that the hard drive had ´gone`. Everything worked apart from the internet connection. Very puzzling, especially when he reduced the bill from 250 Euros to 60 and that on a month´s trial!! Happen he thought we were old dodderers and easily taken in, but a mighty moan and sounding a little like we knew something seems to have helped.
I´m now in the process of finding all the things he appears to have lost. Thankfully, all my pics are still there but no trace of my Family History stuff. So annoying.
Our quest for PS2 games hasn´t been quite as rewarding though. We discovered the rental ´hole in the wall´the other day where you make your choice and pay with a special card purchased earlier. We´ve tried JakX, Harry Potter and a Ratchet game but none of them seemed to suit. Well, at least we could take them back and didn´t pay sixty odd Euros for them!
I´m now in the process of finding all the things he appears to have lost. Thankfully, all my pics are still there but no trace of my Family History stuff. So annoying.
Our quest for PS2 games hasn´t been quite as rewarding though. We discovered the rental ´hole in the wall´the other day where you make your choice and pay with a special card purchased earlier. We´ve tried JakX, Harry Potter and a Ratchet game but none of them seemed to suit. Well, at least we could take them back and didn´t pay sixty odd Euros for them!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
A Good Weekend

We decided to catch the bus on Saturday to a bar in a nearby village as we wanted to watch the Blackburn v Man U game. Dave, Caron and Charlotte came along too. Superb service by the bus company......bar to bar delivery!!
It was a fun afternoon, especially for Caron as her drinks were two for the price of one! Shame Blackburn lost though.
We went of to bowling on Sunday as usual and The Rack´ems scored another eight points which puts them fourteen points clear at the top of the table. Doreen and I had a win too!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Terry's Parrot
Poor Terry. He has wanted a parrot for years and eventually saved enough to buy one last summer. It cost him 350 Euros but, unfortunately, it died a few weeks later.
I was speaking to him over the weekend and he mentioned that he was getting another one the following day. We then heard a request for help on the local radio...........a parrot had escaped and was last seen heading towards Alabama!! (Hotel Abama, not the state in America)!!
It appears that his wife was cleaning the cage and the parrot made a break for freedom. Best he buys a budgie!
I was speaking to him over the weekend and he mentioned that he was getting another one the following day. We then heard a request for help on the local radio...........a parrot had escaped and was last seen heading towards Alabama!! (Hotel Abama, not the state in America)!!
It appears that his wife was cleaning the cage and the parrot made a break for freedom. Best he buys a budgie!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Little Fingers
Young Charlotte had a bit of a mishap in the park yesterday which resulted in a very big 'ouch'. We never did find out how she did it because she was crying too much to explain it but she ended up with a badly bruised finger. Mummy did her best, a packet of Maltesers and a can of pop but nothing helped.
Off she went to the clinic this evening and was so proud of the Xrays she brought back, nothing broken, and after a spoonful of medicine, no more tears! We couldn't believe how much better that finger was.............happen Mum didn't mind spending forty euros!!
Talking about the poorly sick....I've been feeding Topsie his tablets all week. Open his mouth, chuck it in, rub his throat and hope for the best. Today, I happened to drop it onto the floor and he came over and ate it! Life will be easier for the last three.
I spoke to Shona the other night. She's Tenerife bound in about four weeks and I'm looking forward to seeing her. I'm sad to say that she isn't staying with us this time but I expect we will meet up quite a lot. Three of her Jack Russell's have had puppies this week............thirteen in all, wow!!
Off she went to the clinic this evening and was so proud of the Xrays she brought back, nothing broken, and after a spoonful of medicine, no more tears! We couldn't believe how much better that finger was.............happen Mum didn't mind spending forty euros!!
Talking about the poorly sick....I've been feeding Topsie his tablets all week. Open his mouth, chuck it in, rub his throat and hope for the best. Today, I happened to drop it onto the floor and he came over and ate it! Life will be easier for the last three.
I spoke to Shona the other night. She's Tenerife bound in about four weeks and I'm looking forward to seeing her. I'm sad to say that she isn't staying with us this time but I expect we will meet up quite a lot. Three of her Jack Russell's have had puppies this week............thirteen in all, wow!!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
It's Looking a Little Better!
Thankfully, Top is a lot better. He's on antibiotics for eight days and has to go back to see the vet at the end of his tablets. No whiskey for him for a little while!! They did find the source of the infection and it appears that it is something to do with his gums which requires a small operation. That is scary in itself as he'll get so stressed if I leave him at the vet's. Happen she will let me hold his paw until he nods off!
As for my internet problems............the Telefonica man turned up at nine thirty this morning.........Sunday of all days. He plugged in his lap-top which showed all the problems in the apartment. Bad telephone lines which were only repaired on Monday and a problem with the router. We couldn't find 'El Presidente' who holds the keys to the main telephone exchange in the hallway but matie carried on regardless and managed to get me back online. I just sat around in my dressing gown, playing my game on the PS2, and let i'm indoors sort it all out. Two and a half hours and 75 Euros later, order was restored.
I suppose I must mention the bowling as it's Sunday..........Jeff and Brian 8, Doreen and I, 0.........nothing else to be said.
As for my internet problems............the Telefonica man turned up at nine thirty this morning.........Sunday of all days. He plugged in his lap-top which showed all the problems in the apartment. Bad telephone lines which were only repaired on Monday and a problem with the router. We couldn't find 'El Presidente' who holds the keys to the main telephone exchange in the hallway but matie carried on regardless and managed to get me back online. I just sat around in my dressing gown, playing my game on the PS2, and let i'm indoors sort it all out. Two and a half hours and 75 Euros later, order was restored.
I suppose I must mention the bowling as it's Sunday..........Jeff and Brian 8, Doreen and I, 0.........nothing else to be said.
Friday, November 03, 2006
A Topsie Update

He's not a happy chappie. We took him to see the vet who said that he has a fever, reason unkown. His heart and lungs are fine but she seemed a little worried about his kidneys and liver. He had two injections and we have to take him back on Friday morning. If things haven't improved she intends to take blood samples and she also needs a urine sample. Now, how on earth are we going to get that?!! I can just see me following him down the road with a jug!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Charlotte's View of Thunder
'These two black clouds get black and angry and then they go bash, bash and boom'.
She came to stay this afternoon but as the weather was so awful we had to stay indoors watching torrential rain, thunder and lightning. We did some colouring (I had the bad crayons), played playstation and gave snakes and ladders a go. So funny and such a good girl under the circumstances.
Topsie, my ten-year old Jack Russell is poorly sick and bad tonight. He doesn't want to go out and can't jump up onto the bed. Unfortunately, as it's a bank holiday, we have to wait until morning to get him to the vet. The emergency number is to hand just in case as I couldn't bear not having him. Poor little man.
She came to stay this afternoon but as the weather was so awful we had to stay indoors watching torrential rain, thunder and lightning. We did some colouring (I had the bad crayons), played playstation and gave snakes and ladders a go. So funny and such a good girl under the circumstances.
Topsie, my ten-year old Jack Russell is poorly sick and bad tonight. He doesn't want to go out and can't jump up onto the bed. Unfortunately, as it's a bank holiday, we have to wait until morning to get him to the vet. The emergency number is to hand just in case as I couldn't bear not having him. Poor little man.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
No-one Knocking at my Door!

November First is All Souls' Day. The folks here spend it with their dead relations. Picnics in the Churchyard and that sort of thing. It is a nice thought though. I think I could rest easy knowing that my family would visit once a year and bring me a pork pie!
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