We stopped off at the bank on the way to bowling today and, as there wasn't a space, Brian pulled in behind three parked cars. I noticed a Spanish lady turn up who started to load her beach stuff into her vehicle. Being polite I explained that he was in the bank and would be two minutes but she didn't seem very interested.
Next thing I saw was the back end of her car coming towards me and then 'dunk'. I couldn't even get out of the car as her's had trapped me in! Luckily, she noticed and after explaining again where Brian was she was full of apologies. Melvyn was unscathed so off we went. I'll be having flashbacks though!!
My Spanish was tested again when we got to the underground car park at the bowling. There was a queue of around fifteen cars so I got out and went off to see what the problem was. A chap was standing by the ticket machine looking a bit perplexed. I tried to help but he went off into a bit of a rant telling me, in English, that I was a visitor etc. and should address him in his own language! When I did he turned his back on me!! I was beginning to wish I'd stayed in bed!
Bowling started fifteen minutes late as folk had to find alternative places to park. We lost 6 - 2 after all that!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Village News
There seems to be a lot of shuffling about here lately.
Dave and Caron have bought a new apartment and plan to move shortly. Young Charlotte is well excited and says that I'm allowed to have a look at her new bedroom. She reckons that she will 'ring me' when she is ready! She does make me chuckle.
Another move is in the offing as Dave and Jane are looking for somewhere new.
Sue and Don have bought a boat. We haven't seen it yet but I expect Sue will 'ring me'!!!
We met up with my step-daughter, Donna, earlier this evening. She was rushing off to meet up with her mates but had time for a quick beer with us. All seemed to be well with her.
Bowling for us tomorrow. I've a hankering for a nice roast beef dinner and plan to stop off at a nearby bar afterwards. A bit mad in this heat but I really fancy some roast spuds and Yorkshire puds!
Dave and Caron have bought a new apartment and plan to move shortly. Young Charlotte is well excited and says that I'm allowed to have a look at her new bedroom. She reckons that she will 'ring me' when she is ready! She does make me chuckle.
Another move is in the offing as Dave and Jane are looking for somewhere new.
Sue and Don have bought a boat. We haven't seen it yet but I expect Sue will 'ring me'!!!
We met up with my step-daughter, Donna, earlier this evening. She was rushing off to meet up with her mates but had time for a quick beer with us. All seemed to be well with her.
Bowling for us tomorrow. I've a hankering for a nice roast beef dinner and plan to stop off at a nearby bar afterwards. A bit mad in this heat but I really fancy some roast spuds and Yorkshire puds!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
A Pre-Season Friendly

Accrington Stanley v Blackburn Rovers.
A match which I would have loved to have been able to watch. Real footie, not like the namby pambies in the World Cup! I've just read the match report and Rovers won 3 - 0. Not to worry, Stanley have all the world to grow in.
This is a pic of the first showing of their new kit. I'm looking forward to watching their progress in the coming season.
I did ask permission from the photographer to include this photograph and if you would like to see more of his excellent work visit........
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
The Door Saga
I completely forgot about the door problem when I took Top out this morning. Most people in our complex go out to work during the day and there I was stuck outside! The lock looked ok but my key wouldn't turn it......grrrr.
It was baking hot, I hadn't taken any cash because I didn't expect to need any and Brian was away at work. I'd even left my mobile home.
Anyway, I went around the block again and then stood outside for a while hoping for a miracle. Luckily, after ringing my neighbour's bell for about ten minutes, I managed to get inside.
It was all sorted later in the afternoon. It seems that a new lock was required and we all got new keys! Why on earth didn't they give the keys out at the time? I know, it is Tenerife!
It was baking hot, I hadn't taken any cash because I didn't expect to need any and Brian was away at work. I'd even left my mobile home.
Anyway, I went around the block again and then stood outside for a while hoping for a miracle. Luckily, after ringing my neighbour's bell for about ten minutes, I managed to get inside.
It was all sorted later in the afternoon. It seems that a new lock was required and we all got new keys! Why on earth didn't they give the keys out at the time? I know, it is Tenerife!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Summer Madness..............

...............is the topic for the latest photo competition. I need to have a think about this one as summer is sort of normal around here!
The annual fiesta is approaching and, fortunately, it's at the other end of town this year. My first few blogs, almost a year ago (how time flies!), recorded the suffering we endured because of the loud music etc. It was horrid.
It's been a little chaotic in our apartment complex this evening. The lock on the main entrance door has broken and folk can't get in! Bells ringing everywhere!!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
No Escape!
I did try my best to stay in my bed this morning but it didn't work as 'im indoors was determined that I join him in his market venture. I was out of the door before I knew I was awake.
We were informed that it was market procedure to book your table at eight o'clock but after spending five minutes looking for the 'man' we were told he was off having coffee and would return about nine. Thankfully, it's only a two minute walk back to my apartment so I escaped at this point and found my own coffee at home.
To be honest, when it all got sorted I quite enjoyed it. Brian was in charge of sales and did quite well at it, whilst I sat on the kerb edge and chatted to the lovely South American lad on the next stall. He was really nice and we managed to converse in a sort of Spanglish way. He left me in charge of his table a couple of times too! A few of our mates passed by and stopped for a chat. Happen early mornings are ok............well, now and again!
We bailed out just before one o'clock having sold over half our books and making about 55 Euros. Not a bad effort and well done Brian.
We were informed that it was market procedure to book your table at eight o'clock but after spending five minutes looking for the 'man' we were told he was off having coffee and would return about nine. Thankfully, it's only a two minute walk back to my apartment so I escaped at this point and found my own coffee at home.
To be honest, when it all got sorted I quite enjoyed it. Brian was in charge of sales and did quite well at it, whilst I sat on the kerb edge and chatted to the lovely South American lad on the next stall. He was really nice and we managed to converse in a sort of Spanglish way. He left me in charge of his table a couple of times too! A few of our mates passed by and stopped for a chat. Happen early mornings are ok............well, now and again!
We bailed out just before one o'clock having sold over half our books and making about 55 Euros. Not a bad effort and well done Brian.
Hopefully, I Might Sleep Through

We are over-run by books again. I seem to collect hundreds of them no matter where I happen to live. Unfortunately, I don't have the shelves like I had in our house in England so it's time for a clear out.
This week's brainwave is to take a hundred or so up to the market and sell them off. I'm not too keen really. Firstly, I don't want to sell my books and secondly, I really don't want to get out of my bed at seven in the morning!!
I'm really hoping that I might be so sound asleep that 'im indoors will just go and sort it all out by himself! We shall see.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Poor PS2!
It went and died on me the other day, before I finished my game too!! Never mind as I suppose I got my money's worth out of it, having had it for almost five years. One good thing is that I might get around to doing other things such as cleaning the windows, or happen not.
A quiet word to Sue. Please don't lend 'im indoors any more 'ello 'ello dvd's. If I hear about that 'fallen madonna with the big boobies' once more I shall scream!
A quiet word to Sue. Please don't lend 'im indoors any more 'ello 'ello dvd's. If I hear about that 'fallen madonna with the big boobies' once more I shall scream!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
So Hot!
It was far too hot to sleep last night so, after tossing and turning for a few hours, we decided to take Top out for a walk around the village. As it was just after four o'clock it was well quiet and we had a pleasant stroll down to the beach. Normally, it's a 'no dog' area but at that time of the night we thought it would be good to let Top off the lead so that he could have a silly half hour charging around.
It was fun! Topsie had a swim and I had a paddle and then we set off towards home.
The village was coming to life and we discovered that the bar Tropicana was just opening and stopped off for a quick beer. It was fascinating to watch the local Canarians who called in for a brandy and a coffee whilst waiting for their lifts to work. The donut man turned up, papers were delivered and all at five in the morning!
We moved on to Antonio's and watched more of the same whilst sitting outside in the dark! The lottery man was selling his tickets, people were buying sandwiches and the place was packed. It was an interesting experience. We finally crawled into bed around seven!
I was a complete wreck at the bowling though and decided that I shouldn't go off on nocturnal wanderings on match days!
It was fun! Topsie had a swim and I had a paddle and then we set off towards home.
The village was coming to life and we discovered that the bar Tropicana was just opening and stopped off for a quick beer. It was fascinating to watch the local Canarians who called in for a brandy and a coffee whilst waiting for their lifts to work. The donut man turned up, papers were delivered and all at five in the morning!
We moved on to Antonio's and watched more of the same whilst sitting outside in the dark! The lottery man was selling his tickets, people were buying sandwiches and the place was packed. It was an interesting experience. We finally crawled into bed around seven!
I was a complete wreck at the bowling though and decided that I shouldn't go off on nocturnal wanderings on match days!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
A Quiet Week
I haven't had much to mention this week as all is quiet on the Western Front, as my Nana used to say!
Bowling was good though, with another win for Doreen and I. Doreen writes for the local English paper and has given me glowing reports lately:-
'I don't usually write about games played on an alternative day, but my partner, June (Rackettes) had a superb 188 and 176 and just missed her 200 shirt. Well played - a suprising victory for us - and I'm sure you'll get that yellow shirt someday.'
'A good series from June (The Rackettes) earned them the draw against Ron and Dave'.
Presentation night looms and, once again, I'm hoping for the most improved player award. I have done so well this last six months that even 'im indoors thinks that I deserve it. Fingers crossed!
Talking of 'im, he's down the bar watching the World Cup Final. I lost interest after the cheating in the last England game. It would be good if France won though as Barbara, Vic's wife, drew France in the sweep at Chrissy's Bar. She stands to win 160 Euros!
Bowling was good though, with another win for Doreen and I. Doreen writes for the local English paper and has given me glowing reports lately:-
'I don't usually write about games played on an alternative day, but my partner, June (Rackettes) had a superb 188 and 176 and just missed her 200 shirt. Well played - a suprising victory for us - and I'm sure you'll get that yellow shirt someday.'
'A good series from June (The Rackettes) earned them the draw against Ron and Dave'.
Presentation night looms and, once again, I'm hoping for the most improved player award. I have done so well this last six months that even 'im indoors thinks that I deserve it. Fingers crossed!
Talking of 'im, he's down the bar watching the World Cup Final. I lost interest after the cheating in the last England game. It would be good if France won though as Barbara, Vic's wife, drew France in the sweep at Chrissy's Bar. She stands to win 160 Euros!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Our PS2 is playing up and won't seem to load most of our games. I was a little bored on Sunday, not having bowling to go to, and unearthed an early Spyro game which, luckily for me, worked.
We are now hooked and spent most of the afternoon taking turns. Sometimes I really wonder how old we are!
Should I manage to get myself motivated tomorrow, I need to have a wander with my camera to find a 'blot on the landscape' for the new photo competition. My roses came in at sixth place which was quite a good result but I would love to win.
Nothing much to report by way of village news. Our regular haunt, Antonio's Bar is due to close at the end of the month, for the usual staff holiday, so the topic of conversation, yet again, is where do we all go for the whole of August?
Monday, July 03, 2006
Our Alison

I met up with my friend, Ann, today, Caron's mum. She's over again and for four weeks this time. She brought me a huge pork pie!!
Hopefully, we'll have the chance for another crazy day out.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Not something that I'm very keen on but it seems that it has to be done. Some folk tend to get it over with as quick as they can but I like the reward system. Cleaning the bathroom entitles me to half an hour on the PS2, changing the bed means that I have fifteen minutes on the computer and for preparing a meal I can do whatever I like for the rest of the day!!
I made a stew, bunged it in the oven on medium and then wandered over to the bar to watch the second half of the footie. I can't really comment as I didn't really feel like cheering for either team. Germany now faces Italy. Poor Ukraine, I fancied their chances and half hoped that they might play against us in the final.
It's party time tomorrow, my boy has promised to win the cup for injured Owen and I believe him.........go for it Becksie xx
Back to the stew, 'im indoors really enjoyed it but I would have preferred fish and chips.
I made a stew, bunged it in the oven on medium and then wandered over to the bar to watch the second half of the footie. I can't really comment as I didn't really feel like cheering for either team. Germany now faces Italy. Poor Ukraine, I fancied their chances and half hoped that they might play against us in the final.
It's party time tomorrow, my boy has promised to win the cup for injured Owen and I believe him.........go for it Becksie xx
Back to the stew, 'im indoors really enjoyed it but I would have preferred fish and chips.
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