If there had been a time difference between England and Tenerife, I would have blamed it on jetlag. I have been so tired since I returned home and keep nodding off in my chair. Hopefully, I'll keep awake long enough to do my blog which has been well neglected of late.
My first day of bowling, after my holiday, didn't go too well. Supersub, Carol, and I sort of lost 8 - 0. Well done to Charlotte and Natasha, a force to be reckoned with.
Brian and I had a treat on the way home and stopped for a Sunday roast. We both had lamb and it was lovely!
We sat outside Maria's bar for a couple of beers before home and ended up watching a little roadside entertainment. Antonio, the local cop, pulled a youngster speeding past on his scooter and was in the middle of writing out a ticket when the lad's mates came back and joined him. Stupid or what?! One kept his mouth shut but the other just went on and on causing Antonio to radio for back up and earning himself a 450 euro fine. Speeding, no papers and mouthing off!
As these kids race around day and night annoying most folks it was nice to see and we all gave Antonio a cheer! There is a God!