Poor Martin! He had such a bad day. I felt for him because he started each game really well but sort of lost the plot towards the end. I didn't do too bad but we didn't manage to win any points. Not to worry!
I met up with Brian after the game and we decided to have a treat and eat out. Bar Antonio (one of our five o'clock club haunts) does great food at reasonable prices so our few beers, pork steak and a fresh local fish cost around 16 pounds. Not bad at all! Brian had his 'helpful head on' and sorted out an English couple who couldn't understand the Spanish menu.
Do you remember my French friend? Well, it appears she is a hairdresser and passed me a note to invite me to her apartment on Friday. She is going to do something with my hair! Watch this space!
A sad note: Dawn, Caron's best friend, died in hospital yesterday. She had been ill for quite some time but, being around forty years old, we all thought she would pull through. Condolences to Dawn's family and to Caron x