I suppose everyone is thinking about making New Year resolutions today. I'm not going to go there as I know I'd never keep any.
Spain's new anti smoking reforms start on the first of January. No smoking in public places, which includes bars. I never thought that would happen here as around 75% of Canarians smoke. It is a little strange because very small bars are exempt even though they serve food. Medium sized bars have a complete no smoking ban but the largest bars are allowed a smoking area.........sounds a little like the story of the three bears..........!! In walks Goldilocks puffing on a very large cigar!
I guess I might get used to standing outside for my naughty ciggie.
I collected my parcel from the post office today. It was a couple of dvd's from my son, Mark. We watched one of them tonight and really enjoyed it. A comedy thing called 'A Road to Nowhere'. I'm saying nothing about the other one!
We have also been watching the history stuff that Sam sent. Narrated by David Starkey, discussing the lives of Elizabeth the First and Henry the Eighth. I so love that sort of thing and hoped he might have covered more Royal lives, but unfortunately not. Maybe in the course of time.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
A Lonely Week
I will be so glad when the world gets back to normal. A lot of our mates returned to England for Christmas and New Year and other's have family staying so we seem to be spending a lot of time on our own.
Sue's canaries, Fecker and Red are staying at the moment, whilst she is in Essex. Red makes the strangest noises which Sue calls singing! My budgies don't seem to like them much.
I did do some of my Family History transcribing this afternoon but I'm a little stuck with my research. I'm back to the late 1700's and really need to look at church records. Not much chance of that from here! There is one site which helps on occasion - http://www/familyresearch.org - but I appear to be drawing a blank on that at the moment.
My brother, Ray, and I had a good natter earlier........he tells me that it is well cold in Lancashire.
Sue's canaries, Fecker and Red are staying at the moment, whilst she is in Essex. Red makes the strangest noises which Sue calls singing! My budgies don't seem to like them much.
I did do some of my Family History transcribing this afternoon but I'm a little stuck with my research. I'm back to the late 1700's and really need to look at church records. Not much chance of that from here! There is one site which helps on occasion - http://www/familyresearch.org - but I appear to be drawing a blank on that at the moment.
My brother, Ray, and I had a good natter earlier........he tells me that it is well cold in Lancashire.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Correos - Or Spanish Post

I've been wondering for ages why my friends and family hadn't sent cards for Christmas. A big sulk because I really like to receive them..........they all turned up today!! I had one from my son and his family, one from my brother and his lot.........another twelve or so from our friends in England and a package to collect.
Christmas arrived at last!!
We did have a parcel from my daughter last week which contained a couple of dvd's for me. History stuff which I really like and she sent Brian the latest Diana Gabaldon book. We've all read the whole series and it has been really great. I hope that he reads it well quick so that I can have it next!
It seems that the recent meeting between myself and my childhood friend may get a mention in the local paper. We shall see!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
My Christmas Carol

Carol and I were inseperable as kids, her mother would clip my ear same as mine would her's. Folks did that sort of thing in those days.
Anyway, we both attended St Andrew's Primary School but were sent off to different senior schools and haven't seen each other since. Carol did bring a letter with her which I wrote to her around the mid seventies........I'm ashamed to say that I don't remember writing it! How time rolls on.
Brian took this lovely photo of me, Carol and her parents, Tom and Joyce, when we all met again today. I was rather nervous to start, same as Carol was, but after a minute or two we found that we couldn't stop talking!
Joyce brought out some pics of my parents which I'd never seen.........very emotional.........and Tom told a few tales about my dad. We looked at photos of our children, talked about other kids we knew from school, the afternoon just flew by.
They don't leave the island until the sixth of January and we hope to meet before then. Such a lovely day!
Photo: Brian
Topsie's Birthday
Monday, December 26, 2005
Never Again!!
Brian cooked a lovely Christmas dinner yesterday which we both enjoyed but we won't be doing it again.
It took ages for me to clear up after as he seemed to use every pan, dish and plate in the kitchen! It really wasn't worth all the effort just for the two of us.
Now were lumbered with a freezer full of turkey bits! I'm not sure that I want to visit it again!
All in all it was a lonely sort of Christmas. We went for a walk in the afternoon, ate our meal, watched a couple of DVD's and Brian was snoring before eleven.
Things should cheer up a bit today though as we're off to Doreen's this evening for her usual Boxing Day gathering.
It took ages for me to clear up after as he seemed to use every pan, dish and plate in the kitchen! It really wasn't worth all the effort just for the two of us.
Now were lumbered with a freezer full of turkey bits! I'm not sure that I want to visit it again!
All in all it was a lonely sort of Christmas. We went for a walk in the afternoon, ate our meal, watched a couple of DVD's and Brian was snoring before eleven.
Things should cheer up a bit today though as we're off to Doreen's this evening for her usual Boxing Day gathering.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Happy Christmas!
I really couldn't resist this cartoon, my family will know how lazy 'im indoors is and will remember the year when the tree stayed in the lounge until Easter! I decorated it with ribbons and Easter bunnies........he was shamed enough to move it then!! I must admit it looked rather nice!
Well, it's not long away from Xmas Day and we would like to send our love to friends and family. My son, Mark, Katie and Tully. My daughter, Sam, Jamie, Martin and Maisie. My brother, Raymond, Alison, Dean and Bradley. Brian's son, Simon, Karen, Carla and Sophie, his sister, Shona and brothers George and Alan and everyone in Scotland xxx
Hazel (you are creasing me now!) my bestest friend in all the world and her family, Roger, Debbie and Gary. Tony and his 'kids', Charlotte and Emily. Everyone at the Inn on the Shore, Downderry, Cornwall.
Valerie and her family, John and Joe x All the folks we know here in Tenerife.
We hope you all have a lovely time and very best wishes for the New Year xxx
Well, it's not long away from Xmas Day and we would like to send our love to friends and family. My son, Mark, Katie and Tully. My daughter, Sam, Jamie, Martin and Maisie. My brother, Raymond, Alison, Dean and Bradley. Brian's son, Simon, Karen, Carla and Sophie, his sister, Shona and brothers George and Alan and everyone in Scotland xxx
Hazel (you are creasing me now!) my bestest friend in all the world and her family, Roger, Debbie and Gary. Tony and his 'kids', Charlotte and Emily. Everyone at the Inn on the Shore, Downderry, Cornwall.
Valerie and her family, John and Joe x All the folks we know here in Tenerife.
We hope you all have a lovely time and very best wishes for the New Year xxx

Friday, December 23, 2005
Scary Doings!

My stress level was well high. The main motorway, the TF1, is about as bad as the M8 in Glasgow and I try to keep as far away from it as I can!
Unfortunately, Brian seemed to think that it was a family thing and I had to go along. I only agreed when he promised me a beer at the end of it. Talking of which, we stopped off at this lovely restaurant on our way home. It had hessian sacks as a roof, spanish hats as lampshades and the food looked really brilliant.
We are now the proud owners of this huge turkey which will take us months to eat.........I'm thinking of putting him into the spare bed to defrost!! Poor Tommy, come Sunday he'll be well cooked!
Thursday, December 22, 2005

When we moan about the cold we should spare a moment to think of her...........she has over 40 centimetres of snow outside her home and it's around minus 18 degrees!!
It has been my month for mates. If you remember I had an email from Carol who I haven't heard from since we were at primary school.............well, I had a Christmas Card today from Marilyn.............we worked together when we were sixteen! It's all very strange.
A little bad news though. Dave, one of the local English blokes who we socialise with on occasion had a heart attack today. Much sympathy to his family x
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Around Twenty Hours of Rain!
Horrid torrential stuff which teemed down from around 2 o'clock this morning and has just about stopped now all those hours later. We didn't get much in the way of sleep either as the noise of the water pouring and hitting the shutters was horrendous.
The whole island goes to rats when it rains.........a little like England does when it snows. The builders had the day off, lots of bars and shops closed and the roads were almost impassable.
I stayed in and caught up with some of my transcribing. Unfortunately, the internet went down this afternoon but the electricity managed to keep on going.
Brian, just in from walking Topsie, says that the sky is looking a lot clearer so maybe Sue and I will manage to get our day out tomorrow. Finger's crossed.
The whole island goes to rats when it rains.........a little like England does when it snows. The builders had the day off, lots of bars and shops closed and the roads were almost impassable.
I stayed in and caught up with some of my transcribing. Unfortunately, the internet went down this afternoon but the electricity managed to keep on going.
Brian, just in from walking Topsie, says that the sky is looking a lot clearer so maybe Sue and I will manage to get our day out tomorrow. Finger's crossed.
Monday, December 19, 2005

Sue and I caught the bus into the nearby village of Alcala today for a spot of Xmas Shopping.
I reckon that 'im indoor's Scottish influence has rubbed off because I didn't buy a thing! A cheeky chappie on the market tried to flog me a manicure set, reducing his price from 12 Euros to only five! He couldn't talk me into it though.
Sue did manage to find a lovely pair of black trousers and a few gifts.............spendthrift!!
We are having another 'away day' on Wednesday as we have decided to go bowling..........happen I'll part with some money then!
I've just had a look at Tully's blog. She went to visit my brother's family at the weekend. I so wish I could spend Christmas with them all. Maybe next year.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
A Budgie Battle?

Poor Juanita!! Her face was covered in blood today and it had splattered up the wall. We decided that Jose was to blame and moved him to a 'holding cell'. It is so sad as they have been so happy together for months. Brian bathed her face and received a few bites for his pains! She seems fine now and is happily eating her millet.
I'm not really sure what to do next.
There was a custom car rally in the village today. All good stuff! I've decided that 'our Melvyn', ancient Renault Clio, would look really good with artwork and those blue lights underneath. I'm not getting a very positive reaction from 'im indoors though!
Presentation Night

It was our bowling league night out tonight so off we went to Playa Fanabe. I was in my posh frock, heck!!
The meal was perfect. I had prawns followed by steak in pepper sauce, all beautifully cooked and presented, whilst Brian opted for soup, shoulder of lamb and profiteroles. Not one person, out of around fifty, had a complaint! All free too!
We shared a taxi home with Jeff and Doreen and popped into a local bar for 'one for the road'. Altogether a very nice evening.
The Rack'ems picked up their trophy for third place in the Sunday League and there's Brian with his.
For a dour Scot..........he actually looks pleased!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Oh Dear!

I daren't look as I was sure one of them had been hit.........but, this lady had just slammed her vehicle into the side of a Police car.............!!!
She had right of way but neither vehicle could see clearly because matey in the white hat had parked his lorry in such a stupid place. He did try to sneak off but he was nabbed!
The white van was allowed to go after they had exchanged details, the lorry driver got a ticket and poor PC Plod had to wait for a grua to tow him away!
Strangely enough, tonight's policemen were on foot!!
Photo: Brian
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Village News
John, Sally the labrador's 'daddy', went off to have his operation today. The cataract on his right eye was beginning to be a problem as he could no longer see to read and his driving appeared to be a little scary!! We haven't met up with him yet but rumour has it that he can now SEE!! Watch out World!
His daughter and her hubby are coming out to stay for Xmas and he has such a menu planned for Christmas Day. I hope they have fun.
Sue and Don are flying back to England on the 23rd of December, along with a few other English folk......it's not a bad idea, lots of cheapy flights! Caron and Charlotte are going too, could be just us left!
I can't leave Topsie and the budgies, though!
His daughter and her hubby are coming out to stay for Xmas and he has such a menu planned for Christmas Day. I hope they have fun.
Sue and Don are flying back to England on the 23rd of December, along with a few other English folk......it's not a bad idea, lots of cheapy flights! Caron and Charlotte are going too, could be just us left!
I can't leave Topsie and the budgies, though!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Our Charlotte

I'm afraid that one will have to wait because amongst the half a dozen photos she sent on to me I found this one which I couldn't resist.
How lovely!
Charlotte's little friend is Lotty, Gavin and Hayley's little princess............just goes to prove that they don't need a frock to look special xx
Photo: Caron
I've Never Been So Bored!!
It has been such a long boring day. The first Sunday for 47 weeks that we haven't been to the bowling alley and did we miss it!
I've read all the magazines which Shona left for me, spent ages playing Mahjong Solitaire, watched Brian struggling with his PS2 game and chatted for a while with my friend, Valerie, who lives in Canada, on MSN.
We did go for our normal stroll around the village earlier but the chilly evenings seem to be keeping other folk indoors so apart from watching the antics of three two-year old boys and a little of this evening's Real Madrid match in El Bar Rincon de Cristina, there was nothing much to report.
My Spanish friend, Maria, has just come out of hospital after an operation to straighten her eye. I had the same op as an eight year old, I wonder if she will end up with a plaster on her glasses!!
I've read all the magazines which Shona left for me, spent ages playing Mahjong Solitaire, watched Brian struggling with his PS2 game and chatted for a while with my friend, Valerie, who lives in Canada, on MSN.
We did go for our normal stroll around the village earlier but the chilly evenings seem to be keeping other folk indoors so apart from watching the antics of three two-year old boys and a little of this evening's Real Madrid match in El Bar Rincon de Cristina, there was nothing much to report.
My Spanish friend, Maria, has just come out of hospital after an operation to straighten her eye. I had the same op as an eight year old, I wonder if she will end up with a plaster on her glasses!!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Topsie Noel

My grandson, Martin, who I was chatting with on MSN earlier, also thought it was well funny!
Thanks John x
So Emotional

We recently acquired a box of assorted video tapes, many without titles, and have been ploughing our way through them. Brian is waiting to find the 'naughty ones'!!
We came across a tape of the VE Celebrations in London, 1995, this evening and have I had a good cry!! I've never seen it before.
The Scots Guards made the hair stand up on the back of my neck and the kiddies going off on trains, being evacuated was a little sorrowful.
Sir Cliff Richard started me sniffling with his version of 'Jerusalem', one of my favourites but Dame Vera Lynn really had me howling. 'We'll Meet Again' followed by 'Land of Hope and Glory', tears were running down my face.
Will I save it or shove it in the bin?!!!
Friday, December 09, 2005
Reina Sofia Airport, Tenerife

I have missed her, Billy no mates all day! Top has been looking for her too, he really hates the sight of suitcases and knew something was amiss yesterday when Shona started packing!
She treated us to a lovely meal last night at Thomas's Bar. We had steak with pepper sauce and there was chocolate pudding for afters. I didn't have room for that though! It was a pleasant evening and we wandered home feeling well stuffed!!!
On the home front, Juanita, hasn't been too well. She was Mrs Unhappy Budgie yesterday and I was really worried about her. She seemed a bit brighter today and, hopefully, all will be well, fingers crossed.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
A Christmas Carol
In May, 2002, during the days when I was a member of FriendsReunited, I noticed that one of my best friends at primary school was registered there. I sent her a nice email, a brief summary of my life, but never had a reply. Oh, well, never mind, after all, I hadn't seen her since I was about eleven!
Surprise, surprise, on Monday she replied!! It seems that she is coming out to Tenerife for Xmas and New Year, with her husband and parents, and would like to meet up.
Her parents and mine were great friends and they did attend my father's funeral back in the eighties so it will be lovely to see them again.
My only problem is..........how on earth am I going to recognise Carol after all these years.......carnations in button holes, happen!!
Surprise, surprise, on Monday she replied!! It seems that she is coming out to Tenerife for Xmas and New Year, with her husband and parents, and would like to meet up.
Her parents and mine were great friends and they did attend my father's funeral back in the eighties so it will be lovely to see them again.
My only problem is..........how on earth am I going to recognise Carol after all these years.......carnations in button holes, happen!!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Lovely Dolphins

I'ts brilliant to see them in their natural environment, so beautiful to watch.
Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera. The pic is courtesy of the Loro Park, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife.
We didn't do too much for the rest of the day and Shona was happy to soak up some sun! Plans for tomorrow include a bus trip. That's bound to be amusing!
Monday, December 05, 2005
Two Bank Holidays!!

I read up a little about that earlier and was suprised to know that it meant 'without sin', a bit different to what I thought before!
Well, they do say that you learn something new every day!
No shops open for most of the week, schools closed, what on earth are Shona and I going to do? Don't suggest bowling because Shona has a sporting injury from Sunday. Her hip is giving her jip!! Luckily, we know of a nice bar where we may get an English Breakfast!! We will see what happens from there!
No Sunday Bowling League!
The first Sunday for 45 weeks that we didn't have to go bowling. Lots of finger tapping, a little head scratching and some muttering 'what on earth shall we do?'. What do you reckon we did? We went bowling!!
We gave Jeff a ring around eleven this morning and he, too, was at a loose end, Doreen being in England so he didn't take much pursuading to join in.
The four of us played three games but Jeff and Shona didn't fancy a fourth. Brian and I played each other on that one and I beat him by one pin!
We ended up at Mark's Carvery in Calleo Savaje and pigged out.
I'm a little tearful just now after watching Love Actually, it really gets to me at the end when that little kiddy runs across the airport to meet her grannie. Sob!!
We gave Jeff a ring around eleven this morning and he, too, was at a loose end, Doreen being in England so he didn't take much pursuading to join in.
The four of us played three games but Jeff and Shona didn't fancy a fourth. Brian and I played each other on that one and I beat him by one pin!
We ended up at Mark's Carvery in Calleo Savaje and pigged out.
I'm a little tearful just now after watching Love Actually, it really gets to me at the end when that little kiddy runs across the airport to meet her grannie. Sob!!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Shona's Holiday - Day One

At around six we went down to Bar Rincon de Cristina for a beer or three, meeting up with quite a few folk. Carol was just back from her trip to England, Maz and Bernard were homeward bound after a bit of a session and John had locked himself out of his apartment. Luckily, I had a set of his keys, even though he had forgotten that he'd given them to me......all was well.
Brian is now making the Scottish favourite.......mince and tatties for himself and Shona and I'm having pork chops, my favourite! They are about to watch 'Zulu', think I'm better sitting here!
There they on on the pic...........at least Shona is smiling!
Friday, December 02, 2005
Shona's Here
Brian's sister, Shona, arrived today. We overslept this morning which was a bit of a crisis. Luckily, she only had about ten minutes to wait until Brian arrived at the airport, phew!!
We had a bit of a 'Tenerife Day' wandering down to Casa Chrissy's for a late lunch and a couple of beers. A walk around the village followed before we met up with the crowd at five o'clock club. They were all pleased to see Shona, as she is a regular visitor.
She brought her brother a nice treat..............some Scottish Pies which he has been craving for!
We had a bit of a 'Tenerife Day' wandering down to Casa Chrissy's for a late lunch and a couple of beers. A walk around the village followed before we met up with the crowd at five o'clock club. They were all pleased to see Shona, as she is a regular visitor.
She brought her brother a nice treat..............some Scottish Pies which he has been craving for!
We Had a Lovely Day!

For once it was almost on time but we had the slowest driver in the world. He had one passenger, sitting behind him and one in the footwell, didn't they have such a gossip! At one stage Sue muttered, she did quite a bit of that, 'when's he getting the tea cups out'. Happen you had to be there!
He took a different route too which completely confused us but we bore with it and finally got to our destination over an hour later.
First stop was at a nice Italian restaurant for a bit of lunch. Good food which was reasonably priced but they were a little over the top as far as the prices of coffee and tea were concerned. We may go back but the jury is still out!
We went bowling after which was really good as I haven't bowled for fun for ages.........all those league matches. Sue hadn't played for a while but she did beat me one game. Well done Sue x
After a really, really long walk around the area, peeking into the five star hotels.......going 'I wish', we stopped off for a quick beer. That particular bar is definitely a no go in the future, such ignorant staff!
I'm not going into the blocked roads etc., but we did manage to get back to attend five o'clock club and only a little late. Brian and Don were propping the bar up as normal!
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