Falls mainly on Tenerife!!
It didn't seem to bother 5 o'clock club though as we all sheltered under the little wooden awning and watched it team down.
It was quite a novelty really.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Los Gigantes
Tony and I had a day trip to Los Gigantes today. I had to visit the hairdresser's whilst Tony wandered around with my camera for an hour or so. I really liked all of his pics but I think these two are the best. Lovely shots of the harbour and village
You can see why it was named 'The Giants', looking at the height of those cliffs.
It was far too hot to do anything energetic and so we had a lazy lunch at one of the local English bars. We met the 'house cat' Calypso and were told that a neutered cat has the top of it's ear cut off!! Well, you learn something new every day!
Not sure I like my hair short, though.
Photos: Tony
Our Melvyn Came Home!
I was sure he was destined for the scrap heap but it seems we were very lucky. I'm not too good with car problems but it appears that it was something to do with timing and a belt. Pistons could have gone through something else or so I gather but, luckily, that didn't happen and 130 Euros later............home he came!
A big thank you to St. Jude as another hopeless case came home x.
I booked my fights today. I'm off to England for a week in October and can't wait to see my family. I don't normally do 'excited' but I'm getting there!!
A big thank you to St. Jude as another hopeless case came home x.
I booked my fights today. I'm off to England for a week in October and can't wait to see my family. I don't normally do 'excited' but I'm getting there!!
Churchill's Funeral

It was impressive and I doubt that another state funeral could surpass it.
We have now moved on to 'The World at War'. I reckon I'm in for a gruelling couple of weeks!!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Sunday Bowling League
Nothing exciting to report. Doreen and I lost 6 - 2 whilst the boys won 6 - 2. We never even worked out where the weekly medal had to be this week. It has been a long season this year and I think we are all ready for a bit of a break.
Talking of breaks........our car, Melvyn, didn't make it home from the shops yesterday and ended up on top of a lorry! They don't seem to have road side repair companies here and most motor insurances include a 'grua', which delivers the vehicle to your local garage. Brian tells me that there was a lot of head scratching going on and we have to wait until later today for the diagnosis.
Poor chap had to carry all the shopping home!! Where was I? Sitting, reading on the balcony!!
Talking of breaks........our car, Melvyn, didn't make it home from the shops yesterday and ended up on top of a lorry! They don't seem to have road side repair companies here and most motor insurances include a 'grua', which delivers the vehicle to your local garage. Brian tells me that there was a lot of head scratching going on and we have to wait until later today for the diagnosis.
Poor chap had to carry all the shopping home!! Where was I? Sitting, reading on the balcony!!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Such A Fun Evening
Liz and Lyndsay suggested that we all went to this barbie up in the hills. All you could eat for nine euros and drinks for a euro each. Off we went, me, 'im indoors, Liz, Lyndsay and Tony. Donna and Miguel had arranged to meet us there.
What a disaster!! I won't go into all the details but we ended up getting our money back and bailing out. The next place we tried was closed..............flippin' heck!! We ended up at this really brilliant restaurant and had such a lovely time. The food was great! I had prawns in garlic with lamb chops to follow! Lovely grub.
The lightweights went home but Donna, Miguel and I had a late drink at Ayose's bar behind the swingpark and had a lock in, hee, hee!!
Tony did wait up for me, as I knew he would, but guess what..........Brian was snoring his head off!! Sin problema!
What a disaster!! I won't go into all the details but we ended up getting our money back and bailing out. The next place we tried was closed..............flippin' heck!! We ended up at this really brilliant restaurant and had such a lovely time. The food was great! I had prawns in garlic with lamb chops to follow! Lovely grub.
The lightweights went home but Donna, Miguel and I had a late drink at Ayose's bar behind the swingpark and had a lock in, hee, hee!!
Tony did wait up for me, as I knew he would, but guess what..........Brian was snoring his head off!! Sin problema!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Up Early.......Me?
Liz and Lyndsay are picking me up in the morning for the trip to the airport to find Tony. I don't really do 'early' so it will be a bit of a shock to the system!! I'm on dog walking duty too, as Brian is working.
Tony is expecting 'im indoors to collect him, after his flight from Gatwick, so I'm hoping that I may be a pleasant suprise. At least he'll get more than a couple of 'Scottish grunts' by way of conversation on the way to San Juan! Knowing Lyndsay, he'll probably end up in the airport bar with a glass of nice red wine in his hand.
I'm having such a problem with books at the moment because I find it so hard to let them go after I've read them. We tend to use the second bedroom as a book deposit, so I had a real nightmare day trying to find a place for them all. We both read two or three books a week so you can imagine how many we have collected after living here for four years. If I can bear to part with them we may do a car boot..........happen!
Still, Tony has an almost book free bedroom!
Tony is expecting 'im indoors to collect him, after his flight from Gatwick, so I'm hoping that I may be a pleasant suprise. At least he'll get more than a couple of 'Scottish grunts' by way of conversation on the way to San Juan! Knowing Lyndsay, he'll probably end up in the airport bar with a glass of nice red wine in his hand.
I'm having such a problem with books at the moment because I find it so hard to let them go after I've read them. We tend to use the second bedroom as a book deposit, so I had a real nightmare day trying to find a place for them all. We both read two or three books a week so you can imagine how many we have collected after living here for four years. If I can bear to part with them we may do a car boot..........happen!
Still, Tony has an almost book free bedroom!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Village News
Having one of my blonde moments, I happened to ask what his specialist subject was...........doh!
I'm not sure that I should repeat the answer but it caused so much hilarity, and my face was very red!
Liz and Lyndsay were there, unfortunately, they are off back to Scotland next Tuesday. I'm going to miss them. We are all out for dinner on Saturday night.
I've been trying to be 'arty' with my pics again.........hope you like it!!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Do I Really Have To Mum?
I took him for his normal walk and then tried to sneak him down the back streets in the hope he would trot on regardless. No way.........he's not as daft as he looks! Brakes came on and I had to half drag him in the door. Poor chap! His legs were shaking and he had me in a dither too!!
I can't really blame him, things pushed where they shouldn't really go and two injections in the neck! 'Mum' didn't watch but held on to him for grim death!
He was a good boy, all in all and she gave him a clean bill of health. Seventy euros and ten minutes later he ran for it!
He did have a little treat though as she gave him a manicure, ummmmm!!
Monday, September 19, 2005
Monday Bowling League
A bit of a big boys' league this one so Martin and I did really well getting two points. We both had a really good last game. It's a good fun day too because most of the league members are entertainers in some form or another.
One lad is a DJ on Power FM Radio, some are dancers and a few bar owners turn up. Monday is normally their day off so this league was designed for them in mind.
Avril and Tommy are a double act, goodness knows what they do or where they perform but they have us in fits at the bowling!
My favourite lady is Katie Kennedy. A gradely lass, who does so much for charity on the island. She also does a live act, which we went to see last year. Unfortunately, she spotted us watching.........did we get some stick!!
She also does a column for one of the local papers, link below, Doreen's Charity Fun Bowl gets a mention this week.
I gave her hell last year when she printed a photo of me after a serious mossie bite which caused my face to blow up to twice it's size. It seems I emailed her the pic, must have had too many beers that night!!
One lad is a DJ on Power FM Radio, some are dancers and a few bar owners turn up. Monday is normally their day off so this league was designed for them in mind.
Avril and Tommy are a double act, goodness knows what they do or where they perform but they have us in fits at the bowling!
My favourite lady is Katie Kennedy. A gradely lass, who does so much for charity on the island. She also does a live act, which we went to see last year. Unfortunately, she spotted us watching.........did we get some stick!!
She also does a column for one of the local papers, link below, Doreen's Charity Fun Bowl gets a mention this week.
I gave her hell last year when she printed a photo of me after a serious mossie bite which caused my face to blow up to twice it's size. It seems I emailed her the pic, must have had too many beers that night!!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Sunday Bowling League

This Sunday League is getting a little bit out of order at the minute as it seems that anyone can bring a 'sub' in at short notice. We knew we had to play Les and Jackie, not easy at the best of times but Les did a 'sickie' and Adam turned up. He's the best player in the bowling alley, often scoring over 250! Poor us!!
We did manage to get two points on the last game and, but for two pins, as the saying goes, we could have had a draw.
Jeff and Brian had a problem too, as one of their opponents cheated. They weren't happy puppies!
We had a little chat on the phone earlier and he sounded really happy with his presents. I didn't find out much apart from the fact that he had two new playstation games! It's amazing how he can stay still long enough to play them!
He had his mates round and they were up to mischief, so he said 'bye' and went off to have some fun!
I didn't even get chance to tell him about Top's big charge this morning, never mind, I'll catch up with him soon.
He had his mates round and they were up to mischief, so he said 'bye' and went off to have some fun!
I didn't even get chance to tell him about Top's big charge this morning, never mind, I'll catch up with him soon.
La Gomera

It takes me about two minutes to walk to this spot from my apartment and I often wander around there with Topsie. Very peaceful.
Happy Birthday Plug xxxx

Happy Birthday, number one grandson!
Another candle on the cake this year, mate.
I wish I could be there for one of your special hugs as they mean so much. I would like a big piece of your cake too!!
Lots and lots of love, Martin, we hope you have a great day.
I reckon that Top might do a 'charge' in the morning just for you!!
Nana, Grandad and Top xxxxxxxxx
Photo: Julian
Friday, September 16, 2005
I rang her after school to wish her 'Happy Birthday' and we had a lovely chat. Grandad was so sorry that he couldn't speak to her, but, he was out working. Her pressies included a Playstation and television for her bedroom and she was well pleased with them. Her mates were over for the evening and they were planning to watch a couple of 'girlie' dvd's.
Mum, my daughter Sam, has to repeat the whole birthday thing on Sunday because Martin will be nine!! Working nights I'm sure she will be well wrecked by Monday!
I'm having a bit of a late spring clean because my mate, Tony, arrives next Friday. We tend to shove loads of stuff in the spare room and then panic when folk are coming to stay! I will find the bed before then...........and iron his sheets!
I must admit that we don't see much of him. He loves the sun and usually wanders off to the beach early afternoon. We do have some really good natters on the balcony late at night, much to the annoyance of a certain neighbour..........well funny!!
Mum, my daughter Sam, has to repeat the whole birthday thing on Sunday because Martin will be nine!! Working nights I'm sure she will be well wrecked by Monday!
I'm having a bit of a late spring clean because my mate, Tony, arrives next Friday. We tend to shove loads of stuff in the spare room and then panic when folk are coming to stay! I will find the bed before then...........and iron his sheets!
I must admit that we don't see much of him. He loves the sun and usually wanders off to the beach early afternoon. We do have some really good natters on the balcony late at night, much to the annoyance of a certain neighbour..........well funny!!
Happy Birthday Flowerpot xxxx
I can't believe that it was eleven years ago when I first held you and promised you the world!
Although I don't see you as much as I would like, never forget that Nana loves you to bits, and always will xx
Have a really lovely day, Jamie, loads of love and kisses from Nana, Grandad and Top xxxxxxx
Photo: Julian
Thursday, September 15, 2005

Grandad can't seem to pass a sticky bun shop without buying one and pigging out!! He hadn't eaten all his dinner first, either!
I'd forgotten about the big cake shop in Alcala when we visited yesterday but 'im indoors hadn't. We sat on a bench in the Plaza and scoffed cakes, much to the amusement of an old Canarian chap, sitting close by.
I'm glad I was in charge of the camera, because I had chocolate everywhere! What diet?
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Banana World

We walked to the nearby village of Fonsalia and from there wandered through the banana plantations towards Alcala.
Bananas are, after tourism, one of the major sources of income for the Canarians here. The plant bears a flower which in turn produces the bananas. After harvesting that 'branch' then dies off leaving another one to do the work next season. Alledgedly, after around seven years it is discarded, new babies planted and off we go again! You won't find these particular ones in Tesco though, because it seems they aren't straight enough to be sent to England!
On reaching Alcala, we had a mooch around for an hour or two, stopped for a drink and then caught the bus back home.
Quite a nice day, really.

This is Julian who provides me with lots of pics for my blog.
He's an architect, lives in Cornwall, is married to my daughter, Sam, and is Daddy to Jamie, Martin and Maisie.
His Mum, Barbara, is in hospital at the moment...........so lots of love to her xxx
Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks Ju, big hugs!
Lots love MIL x
Photo: Sam
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Family History - My Nana

As my Nana was born at Steiner's View, I'm presuming that it could have been the buildings top left, just showing in the pic. I just wish that I had listened to her more when she was still with us.
She died in November, 1981, her only child, Millicent, my mother, having died some fifteen years before her. Her husband, Albert, was also taken from her when she was in her forties. Not a good life but she did have me and 'our kid'!!
Many thanks to Stag and Accyweb for the photo xx
Monday, September 12, 2005
Well Done England!!
I know nothing about cricket apart from the fact that they call for the light, but I was pleased to hear that England had won the Ashes.
I spoke to my daughter, Sam, last night and she says that Top looks like a pig in his photo! He's going to bite her next time he sees her!
Check out Tully's blog...................she now has two teeth!
I spoke to my daughter, Sam, last night and she says that Top looks like a pig in his photo! He's going to bite her next time he sees her!
Check out Tully's blog...................she now has two teeth!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Sunday Bowling League

Brian and Jeff are now in second position in the league having won today, leaving another ten weeks to go before the end of the season. Could be anyone's really!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Lazy Saturday
Yet another lazy Saturday!!
We are fighting for the pc at the moment because we are both hooked on WebSudoku which is an irritating numbers game, very popular, I believe, but we have only just come across it. That's Tenerife for you!
The only bit of excitement is that my broadband speed has doubled! I'm having to move a little quicker now.................heck!
I came across an interesting question earlier, relating to the new passport photo changes.
Which two people are allowed to wear their sunglasses on their pics?
Answers on a postcard please...................
We are fighting for the pc at the moment because we are both hooked on WebSudoku which is an irritating numbers game, very popular, I believe, but we have only just come across it. That's Tenerife for you!
The only bit of excitement is that my broadband speed has doubled! I'm having to move a little quicker now.................heck!
I came across an interesting question earlier, relating to the new passport photo changes.
Which two people are allowed to wear their sunglasses on their pics?
Answers on a postcard please...................
Sad Blog
Not much to say about this really. The whole island is shocked by the cruelty. Anyway, have a look and see what you think................
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Flora and Fauna
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie!!!

To be honest, this one isn't really asleep, he's topping up his tan, if you pardon the pun!
I decided to give our Top a mention tonight seeing that he is being such a good boy.
I have news of Alison, ex-employee of the bowling alley. She survived her journey and is now back home with her Mum. Good for her!
We are having one of 'im indoor's curries for dinner and I can't wait, it smells lovely!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Flippin' Mosquitos
We really enjoyed Donna's barbecue tonight. Liz and Lyndsay were there, along with a few folk we didn't know. The food was brilliant and her finca looks down over Las Americas, such stunning views. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera!! I'm getting worse!
It was cooler there and very pleasant sitting in the garden, chatting, until dusk when the mosquitos decided to join us. I've been bitten quite badly, especially my feet. As I'm allergic, they now look like giant pasties.
We had to leave earlier than we would have liked for some much needed cream.
I almost forgot to mention that Top came with us. He deserves a bit of praise as he mingled, quite happily, without biting anyone. He seems to have turned over a new leaf!! I must admit to being a little offended when I was asked if he was a mongrel!! Our Top is a pure Jack Russell, a true North Devon lad!!
It was cooler there and very pleasant sitting in the garden, chatting, until dusk when the mosquitos decided to join us. I've been bitten quite badly, especially my feet. As I'm allergic, they now look like giant pasties.
We had to leave earlier than we would have liked for some much needed cream.
I almost forgot to mention that Top came with us. He deserves a bit of praise as he mingled, quite happily, without biting anyone. He seems to have turned over a new leaf!! I must admit to being a little offended when I was asked if he was a mongrel!! Our Top is a pure Jack Russell, a true North Devon lad!!
Monday, September 05, 2005
Monday Bowling League
Not a very successful day really. Our opponents didn't turn up and hadn't contacted anyone to tell us why. Really annoying!! We decided to play our game and put a paper score in, good eggs us. We could have claimed the game!
The afternoon just dragged on though because one of our lanes 'died'!! It couldn't be revived and after waiting for an hour or so, we were moved elsewhere acquiring two more players along the way. I must admit that by the last game I had lost interest and my best score of the day was 159. I don't think Martin (my nice Danish partner) was too pleased with me but there you go. He didn't play too well either!
I did say that I would come down to earth with a bump!
Doreen and I had some good news because we picked up eight points for an outstanding 'paper' game from four weeks ago. Watch out Brian and Jeff, we are creeping up behind you!
It is rather hot at the moment for September. Some areas are hitting 40C and most people are becoming tired and grumpy, including me, strangely enough, as it's usually the hotter the better!
We are off up into the hills tomorrow evening for Donna's barbecue. I'm looking forward to it and should have some good pics.
The afternoon just dragged on though because one of our lanes 'died'!! It couldn't be revived and after waiting for an hour or so, we were moved elsewhere acquiring two more players along the way. I must admit that by the last game I had lost interest and my best score of the day was 159. I don't think Martin (my nice Danish partner) was too pleased with me but there you go. He didn't play too well either!
I did say that I would come down to earth with a bump!
Doreen and I had some good news because we picked up eight points for an outstanding 'paper' game from four weeks ago. Watch out Brian and Jeff, we are creeping up behind you!
It is rather hot at the moment for September. Some areas are hitting 40C and most people are becoming tired and grumpy, including me, strangely enough, as it's usually the hotter the better!
We are off up into the hills tomorrow evening for Donna's barbecue. I'm looking forward to it and should have some good pics.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Sunday Bowling League
Doreen's scores.........125, 136 and 160
Mine...........168, 133 and 144
Our opponents were really bad sports though and spent ages trying to 'cook the books'. They didn't even shake our hands after and thank us for the game! Sandbaggers!!
We had everyone behind us though. I had to pick up one pin on the tenth end to secure the points which was a bit nerve racking. Everyone went well quiet and I could feel the eyes on me................but I got it!!
There is a weekly contest between Doreen and I, and Jeff and Brian. Whichever team gets most points takes home the medals. We beat them by over forty pins this week! Mine is proudly displayed at my end of the cupboard whilst my mate went home with hers around her neck!!
I'll probably come back down to earth with a bump tomorrow at Monday Bowling League.............
Saturday, September 03, 2005
A Happy Surprise!
We spent a happy hour, catching up, at Juan's bar.
They are spending a month in Tenerife and are staying with my step-daughter, Donna, just for this week before moving on to the North of the island.
Donna, in the middle of the pic, is hosting a barbecue at her finca on Tuesday and even Top is invited!! More photos to follow I expect! I think that may be my beer in the foreground, ummmm!
Hot Day!
Then we found them all!! It was packed with folk around the harbour and beach. I've just noticed that there seems to be a naked person, dare I say?..........bottom right!
My grand-daughter, Jamie, hates the black sand!
Charity Fun Bowl
We are just home after attending Doreen's Fun Bowl in aid of her charity, Music and the Deaf.
It was a lovely evening. In the first game you had to hit the bumper before scoring and if you missed it you lost ten points. I'm quite good at that and may ask if I can have the bumpers up on Sunday! We had supper then..........meat pie, mushy peas and gravy, lovely!
We had a normal game to finish. We didn't win anything in the raffle but then, we never do. Doreen raised 2,200 euros for the charity. Brilliant stuff!!
We popped into Juan's bar for a nightcap on the way home which was good Spanish practice.
Tully, why isn't my ticker ticking?
It was a lovely evening. In the first game you had to hit the bumper before scoring and if you missed it you lost ten points. I'm quite good at that and may ask if I can have the bumpers up on Sunday! We had supper then..........meat pie, mushy peas and gravy, lovely!
We had a normal game to finish. We didn't win anything in the raffle but then, we never do. Doreen raised 2,200 euros for the charity. Brilliant stuff!!
We popped into Juan's bar for a nightcap on the way home which was good Spanish practice.
Tully, why isn't my ticker ticking?
Thursday, September 01, 2005
I'm Speechless!!
It took me a while and was a bit of trial and error...................and I don't really believe that I did it, but I now have Tully's blog on mine! Who is a clever Nana then?!!
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